The First Day (Caleb Edition)

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(This doesn't add anything to the plot, it's just a way to introduce who Caleb is)

"Thank you. " I say, smiling. My dad sets a plate down in front of me, it's toast, 2 hard boiled eggs, and few pieces of bacon. Same thing for Cara and Emma, my other 3rds.

"Emma, put that phone of yours away. It's mealtime" Mom scolds her from across the table.

"That's Cara mom" Emma sighs, her eyebrows forrow and her orange ears spike. Mom confuses them all the time, I'm lucky enough to be the boy so that doesn't happen as often... As long as they can see me it doesn't happen. But I'm cursed with a higher voice so we all sound pretty similar.

"Right. Cara put your phone away. " Mom says despite knowing Cara already has.

(Time skip cause you should know me by now)

"Alright kids, head out. Have fun at Junior year." Dad says. Cara, Emma, and I usually walk because we live nearby...And mom's under house-arrest and dad doesn't want her to stay at home alone. I nod and we get up. We all start gathering our things.

"What'd you do with my bag Caleb? " Cara asks me angrily.

I giggle, "this? " I hold out the bag she keeps all her tabletop roleplay things. She tries to snatch it away and I hold it above her head.

"Caleb! " She shouts.

"Cara! " I shout back, barely holding back laughter.

"Come on Caleb, we're gonna be late!"Emma yells.

I sigh " Why do you make rules? " I grumble.

"Because I'm older! " Emma snorts.

"Yeah, by 5 minutes! " I grumble as we shut the door behind us.

"You're the middle child! Me, 5 minutes later is you, 9 minutes later Cara. Middle children don't make rules. "She reminds me.

" Yes I'm aware of the order we were born. God I wish we were just twins. You are intolerable. "I grumble.

" Come on, you can't stay mad at me. " She giggles.

"I... Goddammit I can't... I hate how cool you are. "I laugh and elbow her gently.

(Time skip)

" See ya later Cara, dont be a stranger" I wave to my "younger" Sister. Cara and I are in the same friend group but Emma likes to hand out with theater kids.

I scan the crowd for my friend group but instead my eyes land on a wolf boy talking to a neko. The wolf boy is tiny. Not even average sized and seem short because of how tall I am, he's short compared to everyone. He has tiny everything, tiny grey ears, a bushy but small tail. His hair is short, messy, and very very dark brown, almost black hair. He's wearing a dark purple hoodie, kinda tight black jeans, and cute black shoes. I can't make out his eye color but I can tell he's wearing adorable circle glasses. And he's the cutest kid ever Jesus Christ.

I'm brought out of my daydreaming by Emma pulling my arm towards our friends. Am I blushing? I feel like I'm blushing. Ok if anyone says anything say it's hot because that's believable enough.

"Dude, you ok? You're really quiet. " Rachel, my Ex-girlfriend-but-still-friend, asks me nervously.

"Um... Yeah it's just hot and I'm zoning out. " I chuckle, tubing the back of my neck.

"Yeah? Or are you in love with me again? " She lids her eyes and smirks, giggling not even a second after. The rest of the group sent into a laughter fest.

"Dude, you're gonna be in debate club right? " Scott, Cara's boyfriend, asks me. Scott's a huge nerd which is kinda why I'm ok with Cara dating him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? It's the best club in the school! Don't tell Emma. She'll kill me. " I whisper to Cara,

"Emma! " Cara yells, I elbow her, laughing.

"Let's go get schedules. I wanna see when I can torture you guys" Cara smiles. Everyone nods.

"Alright Queens! Let's go! " Deric, the leader of the group and school who's also very gay.

We talk and joke while we're in line because we're born to be loud.

(Again, I'm lazy so you'll figure out when they're together whenever it's important)

"I'mma go sign up for stuff. Maybe check on Emma" I said, waving and walking over to the sign up stuff.

"Debate club, Caleb Elenger" I said to the guy running the stand. I looked around until I saw the Theater kids, I rushed over.

"Hey! " I said and almost fell over.

"Emma's not here. " Some kid sighed, a passive aggressive tone in his voice.

" you know where she is? " I ask.

"Not here" He sighs.

"Okay" I mutter and rush back to Cara.

"We gotta go. Now " I say quickly.

"Why? " She asks.

"Emma's missing. She isn't with her theater friends and they're really upset. They don't know where she is. We gotta find her. " I explain quickly.

Her ears fold, her eyes furrow and her tail sinks (with wolves the tail only changes with intense emotion.) "Guys.Emma's missing" She says slowly.

And now there's a search party.

About 15 minutes pass when the intercom comes on, "alright everyone. Freshman head to the cafeteria for a briefing of lunch. Everyone else please head to your first class."

"Keep an eye out for her. See ya" I sighed, waving slowly to Cara and everyone else. No one says anything, they just nod and walk away.

I head off to Math, my spirits crushed, my ears folded and nearly invisible, and my tail extremely low and gone. I know this'll change something about my disposition during class.

My teacher is named Mrs. Roto. She's got the personality of a 3rd grade teacher and the style of a grandma.

"Please stand, say your name, and 2 neat facts about yourself. "

The girl in front of me started, the Neko girl that that cute boy from the morning was talking about, "Hullo!" She had a cute British accent "I'm Courtney Parker and I'm an artist!"

A few people later the teacher calls me. "Hi... " I mumble, "I'm Caleb Elenger and... Im usually happier than this. " The teacher nods slowly and moves on.

After a while

(Time skipuu)

"Alright everyone, head to the gym" Mrs.Roto says quickly and dismisses everyone. I think that Neko girl was zoned out because she goes to the library instead.

Cara and I find each other in the gym and continue our search for our sister. But as soon as we want to give up. "Hi guys! " A familiar stupid voice chirps.

"Emma! Oh my god! " Cara gasps, I just pull her into a hug.

"Woah what happened guys? " She giggles, gently pushing me away.

"You went missing!! " I almost scream.

"You should've asked my friends! " She says in a you-should've-known tone

"I did. They were assholes and didn't help. " I growl.

"Not my friends then. You do know not all theater looking kids are my friends, right? " Her ears point higher than ever before.

"Calm down you two! " Cara yelled.

"You're an intrusive asshole, Caleb!" Emma shouts.

"You're a secretive bitch, Emma!" I scream back.

The door opened and we rushed out and away from each other.And Cara was stuck in between our argument. What was even worse was I left as soon as I could.

Without my sisters.

The Debate Team-Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now