The Debate Team

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"Bye mom..."I wave and rush over to the Junior zone.

" Miles! Over here! " I see Courtney on her toes and waving.

"Calm down woman! " I laugh and pull her to go to the corner.

"So your dad's a dick" She sighs, "so our friendship is secret? "

"Um... For now... Yeah.... " He rubs the back of his neck.

"Well, at least you'll escape home for a bit longer when your in debate club! " She smiles wide.

"Let's head in, I don't wanna be late. " I say and open the door for her and a few random kids.

Courtney and I have lockers across the Hall so we walk together until we have to split up.

School went by quickly and not a lot happened. I put all my stuff in my locker and meet up with Courtney in front of the door.

"See ya tomorrow." She smiles, "have fun in debate club. " I nod.

I finally reach the classroom, the classroom has a dark blue carpet and white walls, like the rest of the school. I'm looking around in the classroom, all the desks are shoved to the back except for a few chairs strewn around the room with kids sitting and talking. Of course, I'm the shortest one in the room; It's only customary. I see the teacher talking to a group of kids, he's also the drama club teacher, his hair is long and grey with matching stubble. He's wearing a white button up, his sleeves cuffed just under his shoulders and a dark greyish-green vest. There's a lot of loud popular kids jumping around, some are wearing really dark, almost black, New Isle Debate Club shirts. I should talk to the teacher about getting one of tho-



"Dude... You ok? " I mumble, there's a cute wolf boy in my arms, grey ears, black hair, bright pink face. Ears folded to show clear embarrassment.


"I-I" my voice is caught in my throat. I'm in the arms of a cute ginger boy.
Help me.

I quickly stand up, nearly falling over again. He's smiling. That's an adorably charming smile. And he's so tall. He's got orange ears and a matching tail (I assume) his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue.

"Um... You just gonna stand there and stare at me? " He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. I bet he looks great in shorts, his arms seen weak but his calfs. And ohh my god his thighs.

"Oh! S-sorry. Really. " I mutter, my voice barely audible.

"You're new the debate club! I've never met you before. Lemme get you a shirt, you seem quite antisocial, don't worry so was I! You'll get used to it." He smiles his amazing smile again. His voice is warm and sweet it's also fairly feminine.i just nod, weakly smiling.

He gets up from his chair and leads me to a shelf, He asks me.... Something. I'm too busy admiring his body. He does squats almost daily. And he runs, by God does he run. I can tell my the way he's slightly tanned from running and how his lower body is built perfectly.

"W-what?" I mutter.

"What size shirt? " He asks again.

"Um... E-extra small. " I mumble.

"Wow, tiny boy!" He laughs, his laugh is like one from a leader in an anime, "you're an extra smol bean"

"Wh-what? " I snicker slightly.

"You heard me... Your an extra smol bean! " He repeats.

"Y-yeah... I guess I am.. " I say, louder than I had in this whole experience.

"Woah! You can actually do more than whisper! " He smiles, we laugh at his stupidity. He's stupid but by God is he adorable. And hot. And oh my god take me.

I finally decide to take a big move "Do you think we can hang out? You seem like you know what your doing. " I smile awkwardly.

"Dude of course! I live hanging out with newbies...Buttt..." He smiles mischievously, "you gotta be my debate partner tomorrow. "

"Of course! " I say a bit too loud, "er... I mean... Sure..."he giggles some more.

" So on the first day it's not a lot, just a way to get your shirt, get to know people, then maybe hold a mini debate with a friend."he explains.

"Mhmm" I nod. His eyes are so fucking pretty. "Do you wanna hold one? "

"About what? " He chuckles and crouches down to my height.

"Is it more hell to be short or tall. " I say, trying to be threatening.

"Touchy subject dude. I'll kick your ass" He smirks. FUCK HE SMIRKED ABORT MISSION.?

"I'll start. " He says quickly. "Being tall, means an endless streastream of 'how's the weather up there's jokes and also people asking 'do you play basketball' especially if your a guy. "His voice is confident and he's pacing around with wild gestures.

"Now it's your turn. " He gestures toward me.

"Alright" I take a breath "Being short is worse b-becuase. " I take another breath, my heart is speeding up, "because... " I see Caleb's face go from confident to upset to worried. "Because p-peo... People.... " My eyes start to water.

"Ok ok I think we can stop for a moment. Are you ok? " Caleb crouches down to my height, his feminine voice goes slightly higher and his ears are folded.

"I can't... Do this" I mumble, melting into his chest.

"Ok, ok. It'll be ok. It'll all be ok. " His arms wrap around me and his voice is so sweet and calming.

"I shou-should just quit." I mumble, tears streaming down my face.

"No no it's fine you're fine. Not everyone is perfect their first debate. I'll help you ok? That would be fun right? " He says quickly.

"Y-you would... Help me? " I mumble, rubbing my nose to clear snot.

"Yeah, yeah I will." He smiles sweetly, his eyes are glistening with tears making them twice as beautiful.

"Thanks" I smile as genuinely as I can right now.

How many people are watching us right now? For once I don't care. Im just glad I made a friend my dad would like...

As long as I don't talk about him too fondly, then he'd go in a rant about how I'm gonna end up a homosexual. Jesus being closeted is hard

"I just realized I don't know your name" He giggles, his giggle is adorable I need to make him laugh more.

"Ah-um... M-miles" I chuckle awkwardly, "you? "

"Caleb" He smiles, "I'm glad to be working with you"

"Alright class! Go ahead and go home for today, day after tomorrow is our next meeting where I'll explain what we'll be doing here, although it should be clear by the name" He laughs at his own joke.

Everyone rushes out, "bye Caleb" I wave happily.

"Goodbye! " Caleb calls happily.

I get into mom's car, "how was today honey? " Mom says awkwardly.

"Fine" I mumble, "debate club was nice" I grab my phone from my backpack.

"I'm really sorry Miles, I wasn't thinking" She says quickly, I know she's talking about last night.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever" I grumble and search through my backpack for my headphones.

"I love you" She says quietly and starts driving in silence. I finally get my headphones and put on some Triple Scan.

I don't want to talk to dad today, "I got food from the debate club so I'm not hungry" I lied.

"Oh ok hun. " Mom says as she opens the door for me to get out.

"I can do it myself" I mumble quietly and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

We go inside, "Hey dad, Hey Liliana, Hey Jaime" I mumble and rush to my room. I barely heard mom explain to dad I got food at debate club as I closed my door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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