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The brown haired and hazel eyed little boy in my arms was playing with my hair. Normally, I would move their hand away, this time I didn't mind, I just let him mess with my ponytail.

Then my head jerked back; Now I remember why I don't like kids playing with my hair. I thought to myself.

"Alexander, we do not pull hair!" I scolded him.

"Daddy pulls mommy's hair all the time." He just shrugged. I was taken aback, staring at him as if he just repeated every line of Romeo and Juliet.

"Excuse me?" Not really asking, just very confused. He's only four, hopefully he doesn't mean what I think he does.

"Daddy only does it when they're in their room, mommy just laughs." I sat him down and he picked up a Hot Wheel and started rolling it on the carpet.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret don't look like that kind of couple, but I guess you never really know somebody. I walked over to the desk where parents picked up their kids and wrote a note in Alexander's file to talk to the parents about hair pulling. Hopefully this conversation will go better than the one with Emma's parents about throwing poop at other kids. What a day that was.

The phone began to ring while Julie, my boss and the daycare owner, began to wrangle the kids into the lunchroom. "Julie's Rubies, this is Lena, how can I help you?"

"Hi, Lena, my name is Logan Elric. I'm calling to see if y'all have any spots open for a new kid. It's kind of urgent and I need a daycare fast. A friend from work referred Julie's Rubies."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Elric. We actually do have some spots open. You will have to come in for and interview of sorts, just to make sure we can accommodate for your child." I grabbed an empty note pad and pen and began to write down his information. "Your name is Logan Elric, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am. You can call me Logan." I hear some rustling in the background along with a little girls laugh. A daughter, I smiled, he must have such a good relationship with her.

"What's your child's name?" I asked, still smiling because I can hear her laughing uncontrollably in the background.

"Naomi. Naomi, stop, I'm on the phone. I'm so sorry, she's like a monkey today." He chuckled a little.

"You're completely fine, I'm around little monkeys all day." I laughed. "How old is she?"

"She's five."

"Would you be interested in putting her in our preschool courses? If so, Julie will explain into better detail during the interview." These are all simple questions, just so we can prepare to meet them in person.

"Will that be any extra cost?"

"I do believe it's ten dollars extra a day, but it begins when school starts, so with school being out, you won't have to pay it right now."

"Is it possible for me to let y'all know when the time gets closer?"

"Yes, of course. Julie will talk through all these details with you. When would you like to set up for your interview?" I asked, finally the last question, I know Julie is cussing me because I'm not helping with lunch. We're a little short staffed this week because the other girl that works here, Quinn, is on vacation with her family.

"I'm off this Thursday, will that work?"

"Yes, sir. What time would you like? Lunch if from twelve to twelve-thirty. We're normally busy at that time." I let out a little chuckle, I can seen Julie fussing at Alexander, my guess is he pulled someone's hair.

"One o'clock would be fine with me." It seemed quiet in the background now, I guess his daughter ran off.

"Thank you so much! This Thursday at one it is. We look forward to meeting you and Naomi. I hope you have a great day." My voice was becoming too cheery.

"Thank you for meeting with us. It's been tough trying to find a daycare." He sighed a little. We said goodbye and hung up the phones. I left the note on the desk and went to the lunchroom to help out.

"Lena, that had better not been a person call." Julie looked at me, death in her eyes.

"Not this time, it was a future parent I hope. You have a meeting with him, Thursday at one." I said proudly. Julie just stared at me. "What's that look for?"

"I've already told you, I have an appointment Thursday at one. You'll have to do the interview for me." She waved her had and turned back to the kids, making sure they all had corn and macaroni.

"But I don't know what to do, like what questions to ask. Or, or, how to answer his questions. I'm gonna be so lost. Can you at least leave me a list of questions and possible answers?" I asked, almost pleading.

"Sure. Now help me, the little rascals won't sit sti— Alexander! No pulling hair! Don't make me tell you again."

I went around the table to scoop him up and put him at his own table. I couldn't help but laugh.

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