ヽ(o♡o)/ Everything & More - chp. 1

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You enter the room, shy and excited to see him,my everything, my future husband, my love, Moto Moto.

I've always loved him, I've made edits of us together and even once masturbated to his song, pretending it was me he likes, and now he's finally in front of me, so close, I almost came to be honest... I couldn't help myself, he was so attractive...

"You just going to sit there staring or are you going to come here and sit on my lab?" I jumped, I didn't realize I was siting there drooling, looking like a complete fool.

I walked over to him slowly, wanting it to last forever, I sat on his lab and I heard myself almost let out a moan, even though nothing really happened yet.

"That's a good girl." He said. Your good girl. I thought to myself. He then ripped my top off, exposing my breasts, he stared at them, then grabbing them roughly he shoved the whole thing into his mouth, sloping and sucking my whole boob off.

It hurt, yes, my boob now off my chest and in his mouth, but oh boy, did I love it. He was everything to me, and if taking my boob off of my chest proved my love for him then so be it.

He likes em big (Moto Moto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now