@( o・ω・)@ It continues - chp. 2

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With my boob in his mouth he spits it out on the floor, "We won't need that." He smirked at me, I felt my insides tingle.

"Please rip the other off!" I begged him, " Oh sweets, I need one." He then continues to stare at me from above, his saggy stomach on mine, I loved this feeling, I loved him.

Everything was going so well, he had put his member inside about an hour ago and we were still going, it felt more the good, it felt beyond great to have him apart of me, words could never describe it.

I knew he had other girls over, he always does I heard, but I didn't care, I was the best waifu for him. The best body he had ever had. I was his. I belonged to him. I would do anything for him. Only him.

He thrusted into me hard and rough, blood was everywhere, from both my missing boob and my vagina. He kept his member inside me as he came. I didn't mind, if anything, I wanted to get pregnant, it would be fantastic if I were to have Moto Moto's child.

He then led me to his door when we were done, leaving me breast-less and without clothes, he slammed the door once I was out of his house, and just left me there.

He likes em big (Moto Moto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now