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If I die tomorrow, I want you to know,
You had shot me with an arrow.
I believe in your heart I don't belong,
Coz everything seems wrong.

If I die tomorrow always remember,
In your heart I was also a member.
Dont blame me if you're going to be sad,
Instead,why dont you try to be glad.

If I die tomorrow I dont want to see tears in your eyes,
Coz I dont want you to melt like an ice.
If tomorrow I'll be gone,
My duties here are now done.

If I die tomorrow, then I'm sorry,
Sorry if I made you worry.
I know I blew our friendship away,
Just like how colors fade and change into gray.

If I die tomorrow,then I'm sorry if I'm always wrong,
But now I can show my love through a poem.
If I die tomorrow, remember that I had love you more,
And I wish you'd known that even before.

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