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I'm a mess,
I'm useless,
And everything around me are meaningless.

I've been rejected,
Hearts been played,
And now? Am completely destroyed.

I'm tired from pretending,
Pretending that I heard nothing.
I want to forget, but I cant forget anything.

Am tired from trying,
Tired from listening to you whose lying
And tired of believing.

Tell me, this is only a dream,
A dream that is so mean.
And a nightmare I dont want to feel.

I want to wake from this nightmare!
Is there someone who cares?
Or maybe I should just stay here?

I am so tired of not having fun,
Could someone give me a gun?
Coz I want everything done.

Give me a knife to stab myself,
A gun to shot my head,
Or a poison to end my life.

I'm too tired to cry,
And am too tired to hide.
Why can't I just die?!

Help me end this nightmare!
But no one cares, right?
So I'll just stay here and wave goodbye!

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