Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Macron's POV
We sat by the bank of a river that flowed gracefully down a low hill not too far from us. The river snaked around the top of the hill making the little piece of land at the middle look like a mini island surrounded by a vast body of water. The river glittered so much that it looked as though there were diamonds fixed at the bottom of the river which somehow reflected on the surface making it shine in different colors.
The river was adorned by lush evergreen trees which bore evermore tropical fruits which seemed too perfect and polished to be real. The breeze blew the leaves and the rattle and clatter of the leaves combined with the splash from the river making a calming sensual rhythm that majestically put the entire scene in place.
"Can you pass the grapes?" I asked.
"No! They are all mine" she laughed playfully.
She looked so beautiful today. She let her blonde shoulder length her lair loose and the breeze blew it gently until it looked like the strands of hair were dancing on her head. The sun shone on her face highlighting the delicate details on her face. She so free, so uncontrollable as she enjoyed the bunch of grapes she held greedily in her hand.
"Mac? Macron!" She snapped her hands in my face.
"You zoned off on me for a second there. What were you thinking about?"
"Nothing" I said.
"Oh come on! You don't expect me to believe that you zoned off thinking about 'nothing'. It took me some time to snap you out of thinking about 'nothing' ya know." She said making air quotes whenever she said 'nothing'.
"Whatever. I still want my grapes Taylor." I said trying to dismiss the topic.
"I have told you I can't give them to you." She said getting up from her sitting position.
"But you can have em if you catch me." She said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Before I could even persuade her to give them to me, she ran off clutching the remaining grapes to her chest. Yum!
By instinct I got off my arse and sped off after her. The air was cool and the breeze blew gently against my skin. Her hair bounced as she ran and somehow followed the rhythm of the trees and river which played in the background.
Everything was too perfect. It felt too good yet so real. The birds were tweeting loudly and the sun was shining warmly. The field's grass felt so soft beneath my feet. In all, the place looked how I had imagined the Garden of Eden would have been before the disobedience of man.
She ran towards a building. It looked unfinished as the walls were unpainted, the roof was broken and rusted in more than one way, and overall, it looked abandoned and completely forgotten. Taylor didn't seem to care as she ran towards it. I felt hesitant at first, but Taylor was already too close to the house for her to hear me call her back. I ran after her faster this time.
She opened the door and slid into the house laughing at the fact that she beat me to the house. The door closed behind her. I opened the door a few seconds later hoping to finally catch her, steal my grapes and maybe a few kisses from her, but instead of seeing the inside of the house, I saw myself on a dusty broken down road in the middle of a desert. The air was hot, so hot that it was prickling my skin. Dust entered my eyes a few times and it burned. I tried to get back into the house but it was locked. I turned around to see if I could find anybody to help me but I was the only one in the wretched place. I wanted to try the break the door open but this time the house was gone. It was like it vanished into thin air.
I was alone. Alone on this dusty, dirty, sandy road surrounded by a desert as far as my eyes could let me see. I sat down by the side of the road trying to think when I felt a hand grip my arm tightly. I thought I was Taylor, but the person was covered in a black lacy clothe from head to toe. I was dragged roughly down the road with my right hand in the person's tight grip and my body sweeping the dust path. I could tell it was a woman as she didn't have muscular hands, yet I felt so helpless in her grip. I tried to move but I couldn't. She wasn't Taylor, that was certain, but her grip on me made me feel weak my wrist hurt badly from how tight she held me. She dragged me towards another building. I hadn't seen it before. Where did it come from? It was a house. A well -built and furnished one at that. The paint was new, the fence around it stood strong and firm. It looked neat like a home Taylor would have loved.
She pulled me up the stairs at the front porch and my skin grazed the tile assuring me of a new soar or two. She opened the front door ready to push me into the house when...
"Sir! Sir!"
"Tay?" I said not opening my eyes.
"No it's Matilda."
"Matilda?" I asked unsurely.
"Yes sir. You have to open your eyes." I paused a little with my eyes still closed waiting for me to understand or remember where I was and what I was doing here.
"Sir!" She said sternly.
I opened my eyes to see my room flooded with light.
"How long had I slept? What's the time?"
"It's already 9:30am." She said looking at her old watch.
"I if you don't get up now I will have to miss breakfast and risk being late to pick miss Taylor from the airport. You know how she hates waiting." She warned.
It all clicked now. What kind of dream was that? It felt so real. I shook my head.
"I'm up now okay? Thanks Matilda."
" It's my pleasure." She said and left the room closing the door behind her.
I got off my bed dragging my feet sluggishly as I walked towards the bathroom.
I set the shower, and drowned my body in cold water. A shiver ran down my spine as the water hit my body. I am not a morning person. No matter how hard I tried, mornings were always the worse time of the day for me. My father tried to teach me how to wake up earlier and be more agile but it was all in vain.
After cleaning myself up, I put on a blue shirt, black jeans and a pair of black high tops. I placed my phone which I found on the bed side locker inside my pocket and left for the kitchen.

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