The things you sacrifice

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So, I have this big room project planned for my room.

Me and my friend Sophia start working on it yesterday, cleaning shit off my carpeted floor and separating and that kind of stuff.

So, instead of cleaning off my bed, guess what I did.


Decided to work on my bookshelf.

So, there's stuff all over my floor and bed, and my phone is about to die.

I go to the living room where my charger is and start to watch YouTube (also my laptop was dead and I get real anxious when there's no sound when I'm taking either a shower or working. Plus, when I'm working, it gives me motivation).

I get so caught up in watching stupid shit, I look at the time and it's 4 am.

And what do I do?

Head to my room to finish cleaning my bookshelf, then finding an old diary with a bunch of energy.


What to do what to do.

Oh, I know!!

Write in the journal and not sleep at all, pulling off an all nighter.

Now I would've shoved everything off my bed and onto the floor, but everyone else was asleep, and that would cause to much noise. Not to mention, I sort stuff and have in piles.

Trash. Questioning. Keep. And a box where I'm getting rid of stuff.

So I don't want to ruin that.

I will admit, it was worth it even though my back hurts like HELL.

I got to watch the sunrise and hear the first chirps of the birds in the morning ^^.

A record of my stupid momentsWhere stories live. Discover now