An Unexpected Surprise

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[Jake's Point Of View]

We were all slowly making our way down the hall towards Vanah's room, Sunny was leading the way and she grew more paler by the minute and she kept fumbling with her hands. I wanted to reach out and pull her into a hug, I wanted to let her know I was here for her no matter what. We had reached the end of the hall, Sunny was standing in front of the door. She looked back at all of us, we all smiled at her and she smiled back. She slowly turned the handle and went inside, we all heard the door click. Everyone took the open seat outside of Vanah's room. I stood standing near the door, Ella clung to my side and went on texting on her phone.

"Jake-- why are we here?"

I looked down at Ella she was engaged on whatever was on her phone screen. 

"Because were friends with Vanah and were the only ones she has."

"Ugh, you know how much I hate Vanah...Whore stole my job!"

Dahvie slammed his hand down on the arm chair, he stood up and walked up to Ella she took a step back frightened. "Look here Ella, I don't give a shit if you don't like Vanah or not! You didn't have to come you could be in London right now prancing hlaf naked and letting photographers take pictures of you! You had a choice of coming here with us to pray and hope Vanah is alright, if your staying you best keep your mouth shut and don't you dare say one mean thing to you or I swear to god I will beat your ass I don't care if your a girl, if you have things to say I suggest you turn your fake ass around, walk out of this building and go back to where you belong."

Ella stood there mouth agaped she then looked over at me. 

"Jake! Are you gonna let this perverted freak get away with saying that to me?!"

 I shrugged. "Look Ella I know you hate Vanah and all but...Doesn't mean you need to make any rude comments when Vanah is nearly dead."

Her mouth dropped and she tried saying something but just finally decided to sit in an empty chair and continue texting, I sighed starting to feel bad but, then I remembered what Ella said and how she basically ruined my relationship with Sunny! Suddenly the door to Vanah's room flung open and Sunny ran out and down the hallway, we all yelled her name but, she kept on running. I started to make my way down the hallway but, someone grabbed my arm. Dahvie ran past me yelling Sunny's name, I looked back and there was Jayy with sad eyes.

"Let Dahvie handle this one."

I nodded and took a seat next to Sammi, she had her head rested on Jinxx's shoulder and she reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I smiled at her. I sat there praying Vanah would be okay and I hope Sunny is alright to.

[Sunny's Point Of View]

I stopped crying for awhile, my head was still buried in Dahvie's neck and passing people stared but, we didn't care. I then whispered, "I'm falling apart Dahvie."

"I know...And I'm not there to rebuild you."

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

He looked away and sighed, "I haven't been there for you lately and I feel so bad, I mean your walking about putting on a fake smile and trying to be happy. Then there are your guy friends coming in and making you happy, I haven't done that the past few days. I feel like the guys are more of a brother to you than me."

I reached up and cupped Dahvie's cheek, he put one of his ginormous hand over mines and I felt a tear hit my hand. 

"Look Dahvie, my guy friends may make me happy when you can't at times but remember this, no matter what you will always be my big brother, you will always be the one who I love the most, you will be the one who I wake up in the mornings for, you will be the one keeping me alive, your the one I'm proud to call my big brother...No one will ever replace you."

He pulled me back into a hug and this time it was him who started to cry in the crook of my neck, I rubbed his back and made soothing noises. I never knew Dahvie felt this way, he should have told me but, come to think of it I realize I do spend most of my time with friends and not with Dahvie, Jayy, or Billy. I made a mental note that I need to plan a day where I spend the whole day with just them and no one else. After awhile we finally walked back to Vanah's room, the door was wide open but still dark. Everyone stood against the walls watching Vanah sadly, I grabbed Dahvie's, Jayy's, and Billy's hand. We slowly made our way to the bed and we stood around it, I leaned my head on Billy's shoulder, I choked back a sob. We stayed there for hours just watching Vanah hoping she would open her eyes once again and say something but, it never happened. Her parents stopped by but, didn't stay long, they couldn't stand seeing their daughter so...Broken.

At times I couldn't take it and I had to step out and I cried in the halls, everytime someone different  came to check on me, everyone else other than Ella of course. 

We were all standing in the room and I was blinking back tears, suddenly a nurse walked in and looked at us sadly. 

"I'm sorry you guys but, visiting hours are over."

We all nodded and slowly made our way out of the hospital, We all were standing by the cars in silence not bothering to get in and going go find a hotel to stay in. It was getting dark and the sun-setting was leaving a nice orangy-redish glow in the sky. Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked up at Dahvie questiongly. He pointed over my shoulder, I looked over and there stood a boy around the age of twenty-five, he and long hair as long as about Kellin's with a dark blue beanie, he had on a white Sleeping With Sirens shirt and a black leather jacket, he also wear black skinny jeans and blue vans. He stood there staring at me with wide-eyes. I stood there shocked and I felt like I couldn't move, he started walking closer to us, I realized he got a lot taller and more muscular. He still had the same messy brown hair, and the same dark blue eyes. My feet took total control and I started walking towards him. We met somewhere in the middle, I stared up at him and he stared down at me. I swear I was dreaming, I must have passed out in Vanah's room, no he's not here, I'm not here standing in front of him. i lifted my hand and reached for his cheek, I cupped his cheek. I felt a tear leak out of the corner of my eyes, I felt him he must be real. Why now? He lifted his hand and wrapped it around my waist, I saw a tear leak out of the corner of his eye.

"Adrian?" I croaked.

He smiled and nodded. I started crying all over again but, these tears aren't from sadness or from pain. These tears are from happiness.


Author's Note: HEY EVERYONE!!! I know this chapter is short and all sorry x.x the next chapter should be pretty long!! Anyways I don't know if I wrote about this earlier but, I know I'm making the guys WAY to mushy and sweet, and I apologize!!! I'm not so good about writing about the guy's real personalities!!! And I know, I made Dahvie a little to rude in this one but, I felt it was like the right thing to do...SO PLEASE NO ONE HATE ON DAHVIE!!! And I know I make Sunny cry to much!!! But like...I had no good ideas for this one so SORRY!!! And I know a new character in the story!!!! What are your guy's opinion??? Is Dahvie being to mean to Ella? Should Jake just dump Ella already? Do you think Vanah will really make it? Who do you think Adrian is? A ex-boyfriend? A old bestfriend? Some kind of relative? Do you think Adrian will be a good guy or a bad guy??? COMMENT YOUR ANWSER!!!! Thanks!!! C: 

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