- one

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"No!" Bokuto sputtered out, his wooden sword fell to the floor.

I'm a personal guard of the prince, Bokuto Koutarou. We just had a spar... in his room.

The door opened, revealing Bokuto's soulmate. He looks pissed. Bokuto had walked up to give a peck on Akaashi's cheek, making him blush. I laughed at that.

"I said to not spar in your bedroom, and you still did."

Akaashi sighed and Bokuto laughed sheepishly, muttering a small 'sorry'.

"Did you come to visit me?" Bokuto grinned, Akaashi deadpanned. We settle down at the table where tea was served already.

"We're going to the ball that's being held in Nekoma." Akaashi noted, sipping his tea. Bokuto grinned at the name of the kingdom.

"What's the ball for?" I asked, having no idea about it. "To find Prince Kuroo's bride," Bokuto laughed at that. I never met him, but Bokuto is close with him.

"Y/N, you're coming too." Akaashi looked at me, I'm coming?

"I'm newly assigned to be Bokuto's guard, are you sure?"

"Yeah! You need to come!"

"The king ordered it himself, your dress will be made. You will be measured by the tailor." Akaashi continued, I was speechless.

"But- I'm a guard, I need a dress?"

"Your skill is advanced so I'm sure you won't have any troubles with a dress. That's what the king said," Akaashi sips his tea again and he gave me the look of, 'you have no way to refuse'.


- -

I stare at the red string that's attached on my pinky.

I want to find my soulmate but I'm scared of how they're gonna turn out?

"Miss L/N!" I look up to see a woman poke out from a room. "We need to get you measured!" I entered the bright and colourful room.

"Please stand here," she said and I followed her.

My eyes landed back at the red string, trailing out to the door which was slightly open. Bokuto said that if your soulmate is near, the string will tug and lead you to their way.

There was no reaction from my string, but at least it's tightly tied, meaning they're still well and alive. If the knot loosen, it could mean that they're in a weak state and if it's completely detached then... they're gone.

I shake my head at that.

I hope I'll find you...

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Words : 395

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