- three

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"Is she pretty?!" Lev asked. Yamamoto whined on how Kuroo got his first than him.

"Of course, beautiful. Even though it was only a glimpse." Kuroo lazily grinned.

Kuroo had gathered the knights with him which was under Yaku's command.

"It's because of me that you could meet her!" Bokuto laughed and Kuroo rolled his eyes, not denying his friend's words. He was secretly glad of Bokuto.

They were all on horseback, Kuroo leading the group. It was midnight when they left, the party was still lively back there.

"How did they even took her away this far?" Kuroo mumbled, just in time to dodge a branch that Lev ended up getting smacked with.

"Bo, tell me about the person."

"Y/N? She's fun, she's really skilled, she's-"

"No, I meant the person that took her." Kuroo chuckled. He finally got your name, he thought it was pretty.

"He wore all black, his face covered with a mask."

Kuroo bit his lip, not getting anything useful.

They finally arrived at an abandoned mansion. They all dismount their horses, some went around the mansion. Kuroo pushed the door open but it was locked. Bokuto banged the door and Yamamoto easily picked the keyhole as Bokuto fell down.

"Nice," Kuroo whistled and walked in, hand on his sword handle, on guard.

Kuroo lead the squad to a door, it was strangely quiet, too quiet. That's when Lev screamed, something grazed his back.

"Intruders!" He screamed, pulling out his sword with Yaku following. "More like we're the ones who's intruding," Yamamoto laughed.

Kuroo had gone to the door, leading to some kind of basement. Taking careful steps, praying that the string won't fall.

"She'll be fine. She's strong."

Kuroo jumped, not noticing Bokuto had followed him. "Thanks for the moral support," Kuroo said bluntly.

Kuroo reached the door, kicking it open. There was you, all binded and bruised leaning against a pillar. That enough made him snarl, glaring at every other person in the room.

He immediately launch forward with his sword. The man he targeted grunts, Kuroo kept on going until one by one of them were down.

Bokuto released the ropes that's tying you, releasing the gag from your mouth. "I thought you wouldn't come since I was only your guard." You smiled weakly.

"Nonsense, look at what they made him do." Bokuto said, referring to Kuroo. You were quick on your feet, wincing at your wounds but you ran were they held your weapons.

The basement wasn't a small one, more men came from the shadows and the three of you were back to back.

"It would be nice to have your assistance, my partner." Kuroo smirked, a smile appeared on your face as you launched forward.

"My pleasure."

- -

I sighed in relief, it's finally over.

Kuroo walked over me, he only stood there. I raised my brow and he held both of my arms.

"What did they do to you?" He asked, checking my wounds. I finally felt a wash of fatigue being in his arms, I fell forward to him. He's oddly comforting, soothing.

"I'm just tired..." I mumbled, but my eyes widened as I groaned in pain. Kuroo cursed under his breath, ripping a piece of his cloak and wrapped it around my abdomen, another one on my thigh.

Big gashes, I'm probably losing lots of blood already. It's from the fight I put up when I first woke up until they had to tie me down, I was obviously outnumbered.

"Let's go back," I said.

He worriedly look at me and I nodded. I hadn't realized he held my hand, intertwining both of our fingers. He held it up, a visible red mark on both of our ring fingers. I softly smile at it, reminding that I finally found him.

"Other than the wounds, I'm good. Come on, look at Bokuto."

Bokuto was whistling, averting his gaze everywhere. "Ya know, I would appreciate if you two still remember that I'm here."

"Bo, hold her." Kuroo gently hand me over Bokuto as he supported me up. Kuroo walked deeper into the basement, his sword in his hand.

There was a sound of fighting there. "Huh?" Bokuto nodded, reaffirming my thoughts, "the leader apparently."

A man with a knight outfit and a mohawk guy entered. Kuroo came back as the two of them went to retrieve the man.

"Now let's go back," Kuroo grinned and lifting me up. I yelped in surprise, "I can walk!"

"Kinda pathetic that I'm the one who's captured huh?" I laughed dryly as he furrowed his brow. "You were secretly attacked, you're not to blame."

"But I'm Bokuto's guard, the one who should be on guard. Think the king will fire me," I shivered. "If you're fired, I'm easily going to take you to Nekoma." Kuroo laughed, I blushed.

"You're not making it any better."

"You loved the idea of living with me."

"You're not wrong..."

Let's just say I was stolen from Bokuto to be with Kuroo after that.

- ^ -

Words : 837

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