Chapter 6

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 "Look man, you're the acting head of the institute. If there's a diplomatic mission you should go. Let's switch assignments! I wanted some quality time with Carson anyways! We are practically best friends!" Jace is speaking rapid fire to Alec but the archer barely acknowledges as he walks down the hall. Izzy and Clary walk ahead with Cason and Max following a few feet behind the parabatai.

"My name is actually Caso-" he begins to interject only to be interrupted. Him and his brother share nearly identical eye rolls in response.

"That's what I said. So what do you say Alec?" Jace pulls Alec to a stop forcing the Knights to stop behind them abruptly. Cason's eyes raise to Alec's and sends him a hopeful and possibly desperate look. Alec's eyes stay locked with his for a moment before turning back to Jace.

"Nope. This time I'm going to actually obey orders and babysit your girlfriend!" Alec sends a small smile to Cason before moving to continue down the hall. Jace grabs his shoulder, maybe a little too roughly as both Cason and Max look torn between interfering or running in the opposite direction.

"Clary? She's more like my responsibility.'ll keep an eye on her, right? Come on, what's wrong with you?" Jace looks as if he's forcing himself to stay calm. Possibly for Alec's sake considering that this conversation is still very much taking place stalled directly in front of the Knight brothers. Both of which are awkwardly scuffing their feet and waiting for their respective team leader to give them some sort of a direction. Alec sends them both a pleading look which is met by two responding ones. One understanding and the other blank. Cason smacks his brother on the back of the head before tugging him down the hall. Max still looks confused but Cason manages to tug him to where the girls have stopped near Izzy's room. Cason breaks away from his brother and moves towards the Lightwood girl.

"So what's the deal with that?" Cason asks Izzy quietly as she rummages through her overflowing closet. "The whole... Jace and Alec thing?" he pointedly ignores that Max and Clary are having some lively conversation about the art influencers of the Renaissance in the very near vicinity.

"I'm not sure if I should say. Alec would kill me." she responds just as quietly before straightening her back and holding two outfits in front of her, "Look. I'm trusting you with this. If you betray me I will chop off an organ that is necessary to your overall level of confidence." she pauses and sighs, "The two of them have a special relationship. Alec's feelings may be slightly stronger than what the Clave would approve. That's really all there is to it. It could never work though. Alec needs someone that will cherish him. Jace isn't exactly one to settle down. At least not until Clary showed up." She sends him a look that seems to burn into his very soul. "Why do you ask?" She says sweetly and far too innocently.

"Oh, no reason." He clears his throat and begins walking towards Clary and Max. He turns suddenly, "Izzy. Um, thanks. And, go with the black one. It'll really bring out your...eyes." He winks conspiratorially at her and she laughs loudly in response before snatching the black dress from the chair and moving to the bathroom to change. Just as Cason is approaching Max and Clary...

"Clary!" Jace rushes into the room and stands next to said redhead, effectively cutting Max out of the conversation. He throws his arms up in exasperation at the blond's actions. "I talked to Alec but it doesn't look like he's budging. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Jace, I'll be fine. Quit worrying!" She laughs slightly and pushes him away. He smiles gently before calling out, "Max! Izzy! Let's go. We don't have time for this!" He sends Clary one last smile before practically jogging from the room. Max and Izzy follow behind. Each throwback quick goodbyes and Cason yells at them to 'be safe'.

"So looks like it's just us, Little Red." Cason sidles up to Clary and begins walking her from the room. She laughs quietly before responding.

"Us and Alec. Though I don't need two babysitters. I don't need any actually." She pouts and stares at her feet as Cason walks her through the halls. He doesn't respond and chooses to rub her arm encouragingly as they walk in silence. She doesn't even realize where they had walked until Cason is throwing her a bo staff.

The Knight Brothers (Alec Lightwood x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now