Chapter 4

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-Izaya's POV- 

"Thats my line Shin-chan!" I said pouting. I saw Shizuo blush and look away. He looked so cute when he was nervous. What was I thinking?! I soon saw Celty giggling and Shizuo scowled. I dismissed the thought from my head.

"We were talking about why Izaya is more annoying as a girl then a boy." Shizuo said.

"Aww Shizu-chan!~ You don't have to think about me so much!~" I taunted.

"Who says I think about you?" He growled.

"Oh do you really?" I said grinning.

Okay enough. Both of you stop fighting and worry about the problem at hand. , Celty typed.

"Don't have to tell me twice dumbass." Shizuo said and started to walk away.

I'm not the dumbass you are! , Celty typed.

"People who call other people dumbass are always bigger dumbasses. Since I already am one I'll say it again. Dumbass!" Shizuo growled and walked out.

"Well I better get going." I said trying to stand up but Celty stopped me and typed, No you are staying here.

"But I have work to do..." I whined.

No. I will grab your laptop but for now you are in not condition to move. , She typed and walked off. I looked at the clock and it was only twelve in the afternoon. I could tell I was going to be very bored.

"Don't worry Izaya, you will be fine! Time is gonna past very fast and you won't be bored!" Shinra said.

"Hopefully you are right." I said. Soon Celty came back with my laptop and I started my work as I was already feeling bored. Soon it turned into night and I soon I felt tired. I saved my work and shut down my laptop.

You can sleep in the guest room if you want to. , Celty typed.

"Don't have to I can sleep on the sofa. It's good enough for me." I said yawning.

Just try not to move to much. , Celty typed.

"Are you worried about me now?" I said snickering.

No but Shizuo does. , She typed.

"Wait Shizu-chan? He will only care if I am dead." I said.

Well Mr monster there- , She typed but Shinra soon grabbed her and yelled , "Gotta go! Need to do work and have a chat with Celty here!!"

I soon saw Shinra drag Celty away. I pulled out my phone and went to the chatroom.

Kanra has joined the chatroom.

Kanra: Hey everyone! :D

Taro Tanaka has joined the chatroom.

Bakyura has joined the chatroom. 

Setton has joined the chatroom.

Saika has joined the chatroom.

Taro Tanaka: Hi Kanra,everyone!

Setton: Good evening.

Saika: Good evening as well.

Bakyura: Hey everyone!

Kanra: So any news in Ikebukuro?

Taro Tanaka: Shizuo has gotten even more silent. It's been peaceful.

Shizaya- One Problem to the NextNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ