First Meeting

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You were aboard the Enterprise and silently screaming in your own mind panicking. Deanna sensed this and said to Captain Picard "Captain might I suggest slowing down with the questions, your making y/n painc in her mind." Picard hearing and listening to deanna's suggestion slows down with his questions. You slowly calm down. "t-t-thanks...." you said. Deanna hears this and replys. "no problem dear." Deanna smiles gently at you.

-----timeskip a few days after interrogation by the ship's captain-------

You were walking around the ship to get a feel of the ship, starts having a very bad panic attack out of nowhere and leans against the wall of the corridor curling up into a ball whimpering.

---on the bridge---

Deanna said to Captain Picard "I'm sensing extreme anxiety and panic.." I frown slightly worried as to who this is. Picard asks "where is it and who is panicking that badly?" Deanna says "it's from y/n sir, shall I go?" Captain Picard said "you may." Deanna thanks the Captain and heads to at top speed walking after the terbo-lift, finds you in middle of a panic attack. Your still whimpering in fear and panic that you don't notice Deanna right by you. Deanna frowns slightly upon noticing your memories and says "none of that is going to happen, come with me to my quarters and I'll help you calm down ok." You twitch slightly but follows Deanna to her quarters.

---at Deanna's quarters---

Deanna gently guides you to the couch and sits down. "Lie down dear." I pat my lap for you lie down your head. You do as told. Deanna " I'm going to massage head while calming your mind alright dear." "o-o-ok...." you said with a shaky voice. Deanna gently massages your head in small circles. You sighs softly almost immediately calms down while deanna massages your head. "that's it dear calm breathing and mind." Deanna said very softly and gently, continues massaging your head gently but goes lower on your head by your spine. You moan softly in bliss at the feeling. Deanna smiles softly and continues while sensing extreme bliss and calmness, sighs softly feeling your bliss and calmness. You fall asleep while your head is on deanna's lap. Deanna slowly stops massaging your head and gently gets up, then picks you up and puts you in my bed, covers you up gently. "Sleep well dear." Deanna says this softly.

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