I'm... Yaknow.. (Part 1)

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"Hey, Teal'c! I need some help translating some of this language we found." Daniel shouts down the hallway. "..If you're not busy." Teal'c turns and raises his eyebrow. "I am not currently busy Daniel Jackson. I will assist you in translating." Teal'c steps towards the Doctor clutching his hands behind his back, willing to help in any way.

Sam - who is not paying attention might I add- is walking around the compound, work in hand. Jack comes speeding past, for no reason really, just for the fun of it because, well, he's Jack O'Neill - two L's. "WwwATch out!" He dodged the scientist expertly. Sam looked up and turned to smile at Jack.


"General I've translated the writings found from P4X-283, with Teal'c's help, and it's nothing good." Hammond turns to Daniel. "And what exactly does that mean, Doctor Jackson?" "That's means.. That we should avoid that planet at all costs. You see, that thing we found in the temple is a bomb that could wipe out all life on the planet the next time the Stargate there activates. So by the time we get there, the bomb will have activated and we'll die, some effects of the blast wave may come through and damage the SGC and the people inside." Hammond frowns at the two men in his office. "Are you absolutely positive?" "I'm afraid so General Hammond." Teal'c speaks up. Hammond turns to Sergeant Walter. "I want that planet off of our course immediately." Walter nods and gets to work.


"Major Carter, Colonel O'Neill has requested me to bring you to the eating quarters." Teal'c speaks as he steps into Carter's lab. Sam looks up from her computer. "Already? What time is it?" Sam asks, not knowing since she's been working non-stop. "It is of the eleventh hour." Teal'c provides with a small smile playing at his lips. "Oh. Well I'm pretty hungry now that you mention it. Is there Jello?" Sam tilts her head ever so slightly. "The edible gelatin you speak of is present Major Carter." Teal'c nods his head with a pleasant smile. "Welp uh, yeah. Let's go, Teal'c." Sam stands and they walk out of the lab, side by side.

"Oh come on Jack, how couldn't you understand! You know how amazing this breakthrough is? It's- it's unbelievable!" Daniel tries to make Colonel O'Neill understand his point but he just can't get through. Jack just continues to eat his mashed potatoes. "Ah Carter! Got an Advil?" Sam chuckles at Jack's joke and steps into the lunch line with Teal'c.

Daniel keeps on rambling about his work even after the rest of the team change the subject.

"SO." Jack interrupts Daniel loudly. "When's our next mission?" O'Neill claps his hands together once, staring at Carter for an answer. "Not for awhile actually. General Hammond said he wants us to do a little R and R" She gives the other team members a look. "Yeah. I know." Samantha swallows a spoonful of Jello as Jack sighs, leaning back in his cheap chair. "So basically another week of this fool yappin'" He gestures to Daniel who so happens to have a book with him. "Hm? What?" Daniel obliviously picks up his gaze to the others and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Teal'c shovels quite a large spoonful of corn in his mouth. "Go easy there buddy, wouldn't want you overloading on grains now, do we?" Teal'c raises an eyebrow. "I believe corn is a vegetable O'Neill." Jack drapes his arm over the back of his chair. "Yeah. That's what I said right?" He looks at Sam who just looks away smiling. "So Danny-boy." Jack transfers his gaze to the archaeologist. "Any new ladies in your life?" O'Neill smirks at his coworker and friend who shifts in his seat uncomfortably. "Um.. No." Daniel clears his throat to speak louder. "No not at all. Ahem. Why.. Do you ask?" Daniel frowns at his friend in curiosity. It's not every day that Colonel O'Neill is interested in his love life. "Hem no reason. Just making polite conversation yaknow?" Daniel frowns in slight suspicion. "Yeah sure."


After finishing their lunch the team goes back to their quarters. Teal'c Kel-no-reaming, Sam experimenting, Daniel studying, and Jack bored out of his mind, tossing a ball up at the ceiling. Daniel, out of stressful thoughts, begins to ponder if he could confront anyone on this matter. He believes Carter would be a safe bet. The anthropologist stands and makes his way to Sam's lab, where she is looking through a microscope. Daniel leans against the gray doorframe and knocks softly. Sam speaks without lifting her head. "Come in." She looks up, "Oh hey Daniel, what's up?" She pushes out a second desk chair for him to sit in. "I wanted to ask you a question." "Oh, of course." Carter turns to face Daniel as he sighs and clasps his hands together.

"When was the last time you were truly in love?" It was blunt and upfront, going off of the look on Carter's face. She stutters an answer back, "W-well.. Oh I dunno.. Awhile? Why?" She looks at Daniel for an explanation. He heaves a sigh. "I may or may not 'have a crush' on someone on the base." Sam's eyebrows raise. "Really? Who? Oh, is she a guarding officer?" She was suddenly very interested.

Daniel gulps and breathes out, "He is not an guard." Sam's eyes widen and she pauses. "Oh.. Wow I wasn't..I didn't.. Oh.." Daniel stares at the ground waiting for only the worst. "Well that makes so much more sense." Daniel raises his head, "Huh?" Sam shrugs, "As if it wasn't obvious already. I had a feeling but I couldn't be sure you were g-" She stops and looks at Daniel's face in front of her. "You are.. Right?" Daniel tries to speak but nothing comes out so he just nods. Carter hugs her knees up to her chest and grins. "So who is it? Do I know him well?" She asks like a twelve year-old girl getting the scoop on new gossip. Daniel relaxes, extremely relieved that Sam seemed to be so supportive and accepting.

Daniel hooked onto her attitude and chuckled. "Yes you do, why you talk to him every day." He fixes his glasses. Sam frowns.
"Hammond?" Daniel shakes his head frantically. "No no no!"
Sam thinks. "Walter? No, Kawalsky?" She gasps "Teal'c?"

Daniel becomes visibly more nervous the closer she gets. "No.. But almost." He hints. Sam thinks for a long minute.

Suddenly, it's as if the whole world is slowing down in time and space. Everything is quiet. Sam looks straight into Daniel's eyes, as if calculating his thoughts.

"Jack...?" She whispers out as if they would both shatter into a million tiny pieces if she spoke any louder. Daniel feels a cold sweat come over him and he just stares back. He doesn't have to say anything because he knows that Sam knows the answer to that question.

It's silent in the lab for what seems like forever when a knock on the door breaks the silence. Sam snaps out of the trance when the doors slide open to reveal, speak of the devil...

Jack O'Neill

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