Chapter 2: 4 Roommates?

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Francis had just finished unpacking the kitchen utensils when the phone to the dorm room rang. He walked over to it, ignoring the fact he could hear the other two racing out of their rooms to come get it, and picked it up. He smiled, reading the caller ID.
"Good afternoon, sir." He said, holding a hand up to the two that just ran in. Antonio pouted, Gilbert looked annoyed that he didn't get it first. Francis wouldn't lie- he purposely took the kitchen job so he could answer calls first. Serves Gil right for taking the singular room- well, the room in which they may have a roommate. He tried to keep his hopes up but it wasn't really working. He focused on the other end instead. "Yes, we're unpacking fine. Gil took the master bedroom." He didn't hide the annoyance in his voice, and Gil was ready to say something when he raised a hand again.
Francis's eyes widened at the next statement. "A roommate? Seriously?" The other two were just as surprised, also making sounds of disbelief. "Well, then we're on our way." He waited until the Dean hung up and then looked to the other two. "We have a roommate-" the two looked happy, which made him a little disheartened to say the next part. "-but he wants to meet us before he decides."
"Right! So be on your best behavior, Gil. He'd be rooming with you." Antonio teased, earning a shove in reply. "Yea, right! He'll want to be friends with us immediately because of how awesome I am!" Francis sighed. "Okay, just tone it down. We don't know if we have a borrower." Both of them looked up in surprise. Apparently, Francis was the only one who thought the Dean would room a borrower with them. "Let's go, we don't want to keep them waiting."
Lovino started nervously at the door as it opened, being on guard in case they tried anything, despite knowing they wouldn't with the Dean in the room.
Three men walked in- one was blonde, he was the first to walk in and was the only one who didn't seem surprised at him being a borrower. The second one at least tried to hide it, and he looked of Hispanic descent. The third one, Albino, to Lovino's surprise, didn't bother hiding his shock. "You matched us with a borrower?" He immediately asked the Dean, which caused the one in the middle to yank on his arm and force him to sit down. "Wha-Hey! Don't do that!" Francis pressed a hand to his forehead, looking at Lovino with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry about them-" "Rude." Antonio looked up. "I'm just trying to keep him from doing something..." he trailed off when the borrower on the desk flinched back. "Oh, I didn't mean to you, I'm sorry." He raised his hands up in surrender. Francis sighed. They really botched this up already. "Well, my name is Francis, this is Antonio, and he is Gilbert." He tried to save the first conversation by introducing them. The borrower nodded, leaning more towards Francis than the other two. "My name is Lovino." "Well, it is nice to meet you. I hope that they haven't ruined our chances of you considering being our roommate." He gestured to the other two, who once again begun retaliating. "It's fine. I don't honestly care."
Lovino realized this was going to be a handful. But at least Francis was making an effort for this to go smoothly. He looked at the Dean for a moment, noticing that he looked a little worried about the shaky introduction. That pretty much settled his decision. That, and the fact that he didn't want to deal with another introduction. "I have a few rules.." he started, Francis getting the others' attention so that he could continue. "From what I heard you are predators." All three nodded, not denying. "So obviously I have a rule against being stored. Don't do it unless I say you can." "Of course. That's the quickest way to lose someone's trust." A pointed glare was sent to Gilbert. "What did I do?" Lovino hurried on to the next topic, not wanting to think about anything they had done that would change his mind. "Secondly- I am going to need to get sleep at night. I also plan to take naps between classes." "Me too! Maybe we should share a room instead of you and Gilbert." Antonio joined in. "What the hell? Why are all of you attacking me? That's not cool." He frowned. "I'm not attacking, I'm just saying-" "and you interrupted Lovino, again." Francis cut both of them off. "Well, if you guys don't bother him during his naps it's just the same for me then." Francis nodded. "Pretty simple rules. I'll make sure they are followed." He looked to the others, who gave their own agreements. Antonio looked cheerful, leaning forward a bit. "It's nice to meet you. Are you going to be our roommate if we follow the rules?" "I thought I established that already?" The three looked shocked but ecstatic suddenly, and the Dean looked thrilled. "So it's settled. You three can go back to the room. I need to finish some paperwork with Lovino here and then I'll drop him off." Everyone nodded, leaving the room. "See you soon!" Once the door shut, the Dean sat back down at the desk, and looked at Lovino with a smile. "I'm so happy you decided to stay with them. I know their introduction was a bit shaky but-" "It's fine. I'll stay close to Francis if it becomes a problem." The Dean chuckled. "Funny you say that. Usually it's Antonio that everyone immediately feels safe with." "Antonio shoved Gilbert into a chair for his first introduction. Can't exactly say that makes me feel safe." The Dean winced. "Gilbert can be a bit much at times. The other two will be there, so don't worry too much about it and go to them if he becomes too much to handle. They'll calm him down." Lovino nodded, and watched him finish up some work on the computer. "Sorry- I just wanted to tell you that I was proud of you choosing to stay with them, otherwise I would have sent you with them." He grinned, a little sheepishly. Lovino waved it off. "Its fine. Gives me time to prepare anyway."
And that's what he did. Mentally prepare himself for what was going to happen. He heard that he would he staying with Gilbert, so he needs to find out the borrower living situation within dorms and find easy access to the other two. He also needs to know them more than their first introductions. He got lost in his thoughts, planning out what to do. He continued to do so when the Dean finished and offered his hand for Lovino to ride on to the dorm. And he calmed his nerves just before the doorbell was rung.

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