Chapter 9

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Contains: unwilling vore (nonfatal) with somewhat graphic descriptions of violence and digestion. Proceed with caution if you must.

After that, everything settled down for a while. Things went back to normal, though now it was without the tension. It was a lot more comfortable for the borrower, and even with Ryan still harassing him, things were finally going smoothly. 
Until everything stopped. 
The teacher wanted him to stay over and review for the test, noticing that he was spending more time dealing with Ryan than writing his notes down. He agreed, and told Antonio. 
"You know what time you'll be done?" "Not yet, I'll give you a call when." 
The review was fairly easy, and Lovino felt like he had it down after an hour. 
This was where he made his mistake. 
He assumed that with Ryan going to his dorm, he would be free to walk home.
Without calling Antonio and letting him know, he set out the door, walking towards his dorm. 
He heard the footsteps too late and was snatched into a tight fist before he even realized what was going on. 
His heart dropped when he saw who grabbed him, teeth bared in an evil grin. 
Tight. It's too tight. The grip on him wouldn't loosen, and he could barely breathe. If this kept up, he was sure he would wind up with a few broken bones. But seeing who had caught him, it would be a miracle if that was all he got off with. 
"Finally caught you without your guards, little pest." The predator sneered, sharp teeth exposed in a menacing grin. 
Dammit! I need to get ahold of someone! The Alarm, maybe? But if he couldn't move his arms, the alarm was as good as a piece of paper to his situation. He couldn't even try to struggle at this point. And the grip was still tightening. "It's time you were put in your place, borrower. For good. Nobody would be able to find you." 
He raised Lovino above his head, ready to drop him in. Lovino looked down for only a second. It was unnerving, he could see the sharp teeth, probably ready to tear into him. It was too dark to see much else, but he didn't want to. In panic, he suddenly remembered the alarm. His arms were free. He had to try. He pulled out the alarm and tried to press it, but was suddenly and harshly grabbed again. "What's that?" The alarm was yanked from his hands, and brought to the predator's face. Pure anger flashed across his face. "You tried to tell on me?" He pinched the alarm between two fingers, and brought it close enough to Lovino that he could hear the crunch of the device being destroyed. Panic began to truly set in. 
There has to be a way out of here! I can't die now, not like this, not to him! 
He didn't bother toying around this time, just raising his hand to his mouth and forcing Lovino inside. 
His legs were halfway out of the mouth, and he tried to push backwards so at least he had a chance of escape. But to no avail, as the second movement was felt, the predator snapped his teeth shut. 
Every rational thought left him the second he felt the pain. He could feel the tooth pierced in his leg, right under his knee. He could only pray it hadn't been completely bit off, though he was beginning to give up hope. He had no chance of escape, and without the use of his legs, what could he do? The pain was unbearable, he couldn't find the strength to move. And he didn't have a choice. The tongue under him drew him farther in and the teeth cracked shut behind him. 
He wasn't sure how long he was stuck in that horrible mouth, being tossed and pinned and shoved. The pain made it difficult to focus, and he was sure the blood loss would finish him off. But at least he wouldn't feel the acid, right? 
He was beginning to waver in and out of consciousness, and he could barely feel his surroundings change to a tighter area. 
One thought hit him, as he was forced deeper into the pred's body. His phone. He had his phone! 
He tried to shake the drowsiness off enough so that he could focus. Yea, it hurts. And there's a chance this won't work. But I have to try..! 
He was forced through a tighter ring, and fell onto the floor of the stomach. Immediately, he felt a small puddle at the bottom that made his foot tingle. He quickly pulled his phone out and tried to call Gilbert, praying he would answer immediately. 

I will admit that this took me a while to word and post because I am not a fan of violence or death with vore, but I wanted to challenge myself with writing. That's why I started this story anyway.
Either way, the next part might be the last part and then I have a sequel already in the works so we will see.

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