Chapter Six: The Next Day!

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Your parents were kinda mad at first but you explained that the food fight wasn't your fault. So luckily you didn't get grounded, just a long lecture...
You heard your phone say. You shifted to your clock to see it say 7:00.

"Who the hell is awake this early?!?" You say annoyed

You turn to your phone to look at the message, it was an unknown number.

Uh hey, (y/n)... this is (c/n) I wanted to ask if you would like to hang out today at
the park or something...

(Y/n) changed ***-***-****- to (c/n)🤧☺️

Yea, sure! When do you wanna go?

What about 10:30 if that's too early understand my parents are just not letting be out too late because of the suspension.😬

No, 10:30 is good! Oh and how did you get my phone number? Lol 😂

Oh yea 😂 I got it from a friend.

Oh ok, just wanted to know. See you at 10:30!😂

See ya!

"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!" I squealed, five minutes I was annoyed but now I am screaming happily inside

It was now 7:30, I took a shower which brought me to 8:00, I got ready by the time I was done it was 9:00, and then I went downstairs to eat. With the clock saying 9:30 I had thirty minutes to get to the park so I could take my time, after a couple minutes on my phone checking social media I mom and dad if I could go out and was happy by their answer which was yes! I walked out of my house and walked to the park. When I got to the park I saw (c/n) sitting at the top of the slide on his phone before he got up and said, "Hi, (y/n)!" Happily

"Hey!" You said

"Sorry about yesterday- " He started saying before you cutting him off, "No, don't it's not either of our faults and if it was ours it would be mine!"

"Ok, I just wanted you to know I am sorry..." He said confidently

"Ok, but don't be!" You said while laughing

"I wonder what (ex/bff/n) and (ex/bff/new/bff/n) will do tomorrow..." I said nervously

"Hey, don't worry I won't let them hurt you it's fine..." He said looking at me in the eyes

"Thanks, having someone on my side is always good..." You said still sounding nervous he hugged you tight and then you guys made fun of (ex/bff/n) and (ex/bff/new/bff/n) a bit. He started to realize it was already 2:00, "Crap! I gotta get home! Thanks for hanging out with me though (y/n)!" (c/n) said fast

"Oh uh no problem, I don't wanna get you in anymore trouble so you better hurry home!"You said smiling

You both quickly got up then walked to the edge of the park, you hugged then said goodbye.

**Time skip brought to you by fast walking**

When you got home you said hi to your parents then spent the rest of you day in your room on your phone or watching tv.

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