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Gumball's P.O.V.

"Hey carrie, wanna hang out?" I asked carrie trying to be the most convincing as i could be, but it didn't seem to be working. Carrie and i were on the middle of the sidewalk, there weren't many other people passing, hopefully none of them will be penny.
"Umm, gumball, why are you trying to 'hang out'?" Carrie asked me, i just realized that since she's floating all the time she's always taller than me.
"Oh you know, the usual." I leaned up against a lightpost next to me using only one arm, i bet she thinks i look really cool right now.
"What usual? We never hang out."
"Okay listen carrie, I'm going to DIE soon and i need your help to not pass away." I pushed myself up off of the lightpost and looked at carrie into her eyes, she still had a expressionless look.
"... okay gumball, what do you need?" It worked! Okay, not it's time to use my gumball charm.
"I need... i need..." i put one paw above my head to shade ny eyes from the sun while i closed them. "A humble kiss from the undead."
Since my eyes were closed i couldn't see what Carrie's facial reaction was, but i did hear her response. "Well, seems like you're gonna die then."
"No wait!" I lowered my paw and stood upright. "Darwin knows about this and he wanted me to do it."
Carrie's eyes unnarrowed and she lowered her high towering height above me. "D-darwin warranted this?"
"Yes carrie," i moved forward to her and moved my paws to wrap around her ghostly hands. My paws seeped through her hands though so it ended up looking really stupid. "He wanted this, so please, don't let him down and kiss me."
Carrie closed her eyes and sighed momentarily before opening her eyes again and accepting it. "Okay, but only for a second and you cannot tell ANYONE about this, okay?"
I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably, "deal."

Authors note: looks like gumball might be eating a different type of food tonight ;)
Jesus i hate this story, alright so uh if you want a good story then check out like any other story on my account. In my opinion they're fairly good, so yeah. Read my aot fanfic and I'll seeya later.

Gumball the Homewrecker 😎(Gumball x Carrie)Where stories live. Discover now