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Gumball's P.O.V

Finally, this is it, the kiss I've been waiting for about... two hours. Wow this really didn't take much time to do, is carrie like a.. ho? No, there's no way! Though carrie was a ghost and technically i shouldn't be feeling anything on my lips i still had a sensation there. It is hard to put it into words but, to summarize it it felt like when i first kissed penny. She even lowered closer to the ground onto my height so that i didn't have to stand on my tip toes just to get my lips high enough to smooch her. We still were on the sidewalk and barely any people walked by, but the few that did had quite the sight I'd bet. A cat kissing the ghost of a emo girl, what an unbelievable day. The kiss lasted for about another 3 seconds before he pulled back and away. The red on her cheeks from blush was just as prominent as how mad darwin gets when i tell him he has a high pitched voice.
"O-okay! There, are you gonna be okay now?" Carrie asked me shyly, she's so cute.
"Uh, yeah I'll be fine now but... maybe we should do it again just to be sure 😘" i gave carrie a kissy face on my face. I sometimes suprise myself by how moldable my face is, it can seriously just create a kissing face in the matter of a few seconds. I really am great.
"Ugh!" Carrie turned away from me and crossed her arms, "no!"
Well i guess it was worth a try i suppose. "Alright, I'll see you later then, carrie!" I shouted out to her and started waving to her while i started walking away from her and back home.
I could see her turn around slightly to look back at me, and i could swear she waved back but maybe I'm just seeing things. I wonder why I'd be seeing things though... oh yeah! I need food! Well i guess I'm gonna need to take care of that next...

Authors note: another page for all of you brothers that like this nasty wasty stuffs. I mean it's fun to write but, y'all do y'all. As usual i have not much to say, so just check out my aot fanfic and I'll seeya later.

Gumball the Homewrecker 😎(Gumball x Carrie)Where stories live. Discover now