...Author's Note...

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Note: *If you are reading this then the old chapters are toast... If you are reading this for the first time you can skip this note and continue on with your reading ;p*

Okay guys and people (besides Sierra and Lexi) that read TDIMH on a normal update to update basis, I am having some problems with the plot...
Time for me to explain how:
(Buckle in boissss dis is gonna be a long one)

1) The Plot
So as you know (if you read the description lol) this book is part of what is going to be a mini series about some of the minor characters from the Forgotten Heroes Series that I am currently writing to send into DC Comics. Anyway . . . At the beginning of the book Ace was going to get broken out of prison by his mother (Courtly Jester, also known as The Jester, and Courtney Jennifer Quinzel), but then that would also defeat one of the quirks that Ace has with not entirely wanting to be a villain. SO I made that what we call a haze. The haze's did add another layer to the story wich in turn helped it, but also makes it very...confusing.
After that I decided to add in Adora and J who are two of the main characters from Forgotten Heroes thinking that it would help me out a little bit. I was wrong. This added a little bit of aspect to the storyline but also made it worse. This little baby story was not ready to add them and their issues in yet. PLUS—-Adora was not going to be a collage professed in Forgotten Heroes so why should she be here?
Anyway the story got out of hand and now I cannot progress with it in it's current state.

2) More Issues
So if you read my Wattpad books you would know that I have one fresh off of the line called Hooded. Yes it will tie into this book, but neither of them are ready for it...yet...and the last chapter had a mega spoiler for Hooded. (But without context it shouldn't be too bad...) None of the characters are very well developed in TDIMH for this kind of thing. (Plus the whole Dark Allen thing is a book in its own. But yes . . . he is a bad guy.) Back to what I was saying: As I started writing Hooded I realized that TDIMH was not flowing as well and I didn't have enough inspiration with the beginning that I gave it. SOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo . . . . . .

Here comes to the big announcement...............

I'm Restarting The Diamonds In My Head!
This will make the story 10000000000 times better and (hopefully) way more easy and fun for you guys to read! *Don't worry I have done this several times! With several books!* So keep in touch to whiteness the amazing ReBoot!

3) That All Sounds Good but how do You Expect to Change it?

Easy! The old part of the book is another universe =) like what they did so they didn't have to use Grant in the Justice League movies =)
;3 till next time

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