Chapter 02 - Oh Shi-

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    "Do you ever feel like you are alone in the universe? Like, you feel like nobody will ever understand you because of how different you are? That's how I feel. There are people sent to this world that want to destroy me and people like me. They are what the world called heroes, or vigilantes. You know what they are, don't you?" Ace pointed his knife at the hostage. "You understand me. You really get me! You let me talk and you listen to me. You really care." The hostage's muffled yeps for help acted as what Ace considered a positive response.
"What in the blazes are you doing there Jr," Jerome called out. "Don't tell me you're talking to the hostages again!" Jerome face palmed. This is what I get for promising my little brother that I would babysit my nephew, Jerome thought.
    "PUDDIN! Are yah comin'? I have CJ and Ivy waiting for us at the Siren's club."

"Come on kid. You heard your aunt."
Jerome grabbed the hostage by the shirt collar and dragged her on the ground.

Ace stared at the hostage. "Uncle J. Why did we take this person again? She's nothing important right?" Ace turned his head to the front of the van.
"I don't have to explain my reasons to you! You just do what I say!"
Ace rolled his eyes. "My uncle is a little kookie dukes," he said spiraling his finger around his ear.
"Do you want me to go and put you back into that cell kid? Gotham Pen loves to get their inmates returned," Jerome said turning around in his seat.
"I was just asking, jeeze."
Ace sat there and stared at the hostage closely.
"Hey Uncle J, this lady looks really fami-"
"What now kid,"Jerome said turning around to face his nephew. Both he and the hostage had vanished. "Shi-," Harley slammed on the brakes of the truck and almost skidded off he road.
"You wer abouta saya doity woid!"
"Well next time our nephew and the daughter of Richard Grayson go missing I'll alert you so you know what is coming Harley!"
"Wow sucha thoughtfu- THEY DID WAT NOW!" She plopped back in her seat and stared at the road, "Well shi-"
"Shut up Harley! I'm trying to think," Jerome said putting his fingers to his temples.
"We gotta call em Puddin. We have ta call-"
"I SAID SHUT UP HARLEY," he yelled. "We have to call my brother. And by me I mean you."
"Awe! C'mon Puddin," Harley crossed her arms and stuck out her lip in a pout. "I always have ta call em."

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