Chapter 5 | | New Horizons | |

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"Look to the heavens and you shall find your way."


"That is not healthy."

"I am well aware of that, Piston, that is why I drink it," Toby rolls her eyes while taking a sip of an energy drink.

"Don't call me that," the medic growls, making the woman laugh with his dislike of the nickname.

:.Why not, Piston?.: Toby snorts violently, coughing when her drink goes up her nose as Ironhide's snarky voice comes through the comm.

:.Was that really necessary, Trigger Fingers?.: Ratchet's sharp reply has the mechanic spluttering; wheezing into her flannel sleeve.

:.It's necessary as long as the lil' lady calls ya that, Piston.: Toby forces herself to take a deep breath, though fails as she erupts into a laughing fit.

:.I think your charge is dying, Piston.: Ironhide states sarcastically.

"I wouldn't be if you guys weren't teasing each other," the woman thumps her chest to clear the liquid still stuck in her windpipe.

:.Technically, this is yer fault, Gears.: A grin finds its way onto her face at the new nickname introduced by the hip hop Autobot.

"Maybe, but I'm enjoying this, and I like the name," she smiles, cradling her drink can in her hands.

:.Gears and Piston, quite the duo.: Ironhide remarks in mock thoughtfulness.

"Not nearly as much as Trigger Fingers and Jazz Hands," the comm bursts in an explosion of protests from the weapons specialist and first lieutenant while Toby and Ratchet listen with amusement.

:.This is not the purpose of all-access comm channel.: Optimus for the first time, his exasperation causing the young woman to chuckle loudly.

"But it's fun, Bossbot, so whatcha gonna do about it?" The comm goes silent, the channel having been switched off, though Toby knows that the Autobots are laughing to themselves.

Is this how family is supposed to act?


"Where are we even going?" An exhausted Toby asks Ratchet.

"An abandoned observatory, where we can hopefully read the coordinates on the glasses," the medic explains in exasperation.

There's a moment of silence while the woman thinks. "I believe I know which observatory you're talking about; my mom used to take me to a place nearby. She brought me there and taught me the names of the constellations and how to identify each one."

"Do you have a favourite?"


"Do you have a favourite constellation?"

"Oh, yeah! Orion. My mom liked Aquarius though," Ratchet splutters the equivalent of a cough, making Toby raise a brow but otherwise continues staring out the window. "I always said that I'd name a star after her—Magar Hills—a name I came up with when I was little."

Ratchet hums quietly before responding. "Why not remember her in a less extravagant way?"

"What do you have in mind?" The woman questions curiously.

"Your surname is Williams, correct?"

"Yes," Toby answers slowly, unsure of the medic's intentions.

Gears and Pistons | | Bayverse | | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now