Chapter 7 | | The Smell of Death | |

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"There can be no light without darkness."


Warning: pretty gory
I felt a bit sick writing this


Dust blows across the street, swirling around the two figures; one human, and one alien. Screams of terror drown out the sounds of the battle, though deafeningly silent to the young female. Every breath is difficult for her; not due to her impact with the car, or the encounter with Starscream, but to the smell. The scent of death is heavy in the air, its foul stench filling her lungs.

"A child can do nothing against me!" Megatron claims, roaring pridefully. "I am the leader of the Decepticons!"

"A child is innocent," the woman steps forward, eyes never leaving her target. "But I lost my innocence many years ago. It will not be a child that takes you from this world."

"So much talk," he sneers, sharp denta glinting in the sun. "Tell me, are you all bark and no bite?"

"Oh, trust me, Rust-Bucket, I have plenty of bite," Toby growls, features darkening tremendously as she lifts her gun.

Megatron snarls, running towards the woman, ready to end the insect's life.

The woman squeezes the trigger, the projectile exploding on impact.

The Decepticon remains almost unfazed, only a flash of annoyance to be found on his faceplates. "You will die!"

"Everyone has their time, I just happen to know that your time is up," Toby rolls behind an abandoned car as his massive pede crashes down where she was just moments ago. "And I don't care if you smash my hourglass, because I have served what purpose I had in life."

The car shielding her suddenly disappears, picked up by Megatron. He grins in victory, tossing the vehicle aside and reaching for her with a clawed servo.

The second his optics are in clear view, she fires. He howls in pain, scratching at his faceplates as he stumbles backwards. Megatron hollers, clicking furiously when his vision clears and finds that his prey has disappeared.

"If you do not fear for your own death, perhaps you will for the death of one of your Autobot allies," He eyes the rubble in the street, crouching to catch the woman's scent. The Decepticon rumbles in anger as something shoots the more vulnerable section of his back struts. He whips around, smashing several cars in the process, unknowingly creating a path for his prey to travel unnoticed.

"You already killed one of them!" Toby howls, laying flat to the ground behind a mound of concrete. Rage fills her voice, rattling harshly in her throat.

"And you failed to save him, did you not?" She curses at his amusement, having nothing to snap back. "That is because you are weak. And the weak do not survive."

The whir of her plasma blaster alerts the Decepticon leader to her location, causing him to press his gun barrel to the pile of fallen debris with a smirk. There's a terrific explosion, his shot leaving a deep, smoking crater in the road.

He stands, victorious in his endeavour, and turns to the now empty street, seeking the scent of the adolescent male that carries the Allspark. His pede steps shake the city, sending the humans bolting in the opposite direction and the Autobots retreating to their commander.

A burning sensation arises on his shoulder strut, and a miniscule force sways his form. He roars, swinging his helm to face the being that dares attack him, but who he sees makes him step back in the slightest movement. The woman from before, his prey, stands with her footing firm and gun at eye level, festering hatred practically glowing in her glacier blue orbs.

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