I - "Mama" pt.1

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Y u n a

    SHE SAT THERE trying to pay attention to the words that came out of their mouths as she looked at her food with a lost appetite.

    Her parents had spent the entire meal badmouthing her brother by comparing the differences between them.

    Even though she was expected to be pleased that she was the favorite child, she wasn't.

    Not wanting to display any emotion that hinted her anger and dissapointment towards them, she decided to finish her meal quickly and headed out for some fresh air.

    Sadly, although she tried, the fresh air wasn't really calming her down.

    It was the weekend anyway so she made up her mind to visit some of her friends rather than stress herself out.

    They were meeting up at a Café around a place somewhere near their school.

    While on her way there she noticed a little girl crying on the sidewalk. Stopping in front of her, she crouched down to reach her small height. "Are you ok? where are your parents?" she asked while wiping her tears away with her thumbs.

    The girl just started to cry more, so she picked her up and smiled. She realized that wherever her parents were, they couldn't have gotten far.

    "Where did you last see your parents?" the girl didn't really answer but gave her a cute face. The girl started to suck her thumb while looking at her in awe with her big brown eyes. She instantly felt weak.

    The girl didn't look like she was old enough to speak yet so she then decided to ask around.

    No one seemed to know who this girl was so she knew that the best option would be to bring her to the police station but it would take her another thirty minutes just to get there and she was already running kind of late.

    At this point she didn't really care about the timing since it wasn't like she had a choice. Her parents must already be worried sick.

    She sighed as she called a taxi to drop her there. She realized it would be better to stop by a nearby convenience store while she waited.

    Walking inside of the store she asked the little girl if she saw her parents anywhere, but sadly she shook her head as a sign of saying no. Still no luck but it was worth a try.

    The girl looked like she was about to start crying again until she asked her if she wanted to have some ice cream. The girl's eyes lit up in response, and her heart began to melt seeing this. She really loved kids but wanted to refrain from interacting with the girl more than she should because she was afraid of getting attached.

    As she walked out of the store, she gave the little girl her ice cream while still carrying her in her arms. Her tiny hands groped her ice cream like her life depended on it. It was adorable to watch, but her face cringed in response wanting to fight the feeling away.

    Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, the little girl looked at her confused at her facial expression but then began to giggle. She didn't know how to respond at first. But almost as if by instinct she began to make the same weird expression on her face just so she could hear that beautiful laugh again and see her smile.

    The girl began to laugh so much that she started to flail her arms around and as a result, the girl ended up smacking the ice cream she held in  her hand across her own face.

    They both began to laugh even more at this. After they were done laughing, she noticed that the girl's hands and face were all dirty and covered in ice cream by the time the taxi arrived.

She decided to go to the restroom to clean her before bringing her to the police station, she didn't want her parents to worry even more than already ate and wonder why their child was covered in ice cream. They would probably think she kidnapped her and took her for a stroll.

    She then asked the taxi driver to stop her at a place near the police station where there was a bathroom nearby.

They went inside the bathroom and she began wiping away all the ice cream with tissue and water since she knew the ice cream would make her skin sticky.

    Finally after cleaning up, it was time to bring her to the police station, but then she started hearing some sounds in the bathroom which sounded kind of weird. She held her closer to her as She walked towards one of the stalls.

    She began to hear someone groaning in agony, and that's when they heard it... Or in other words, smelled it. The girl looked like she was about to vomit and so did she.

    Someone was having diarrhea in the bathroom... Quickly she ran out of the bathroom with the girl's face buried onto my her chest so she wouldn't have to smell it.

    Once they got out of there, She panted while the girl just imitated a vomiting face. She began to smile at her reaction.

    She put the girl down for a second so she could catch a hold of her breath and also because her arms were starting to ache as well.

    She closed her eyes as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She opened them once again to look around and noticed something odd. The girl wasn't there anymore.

Honestly this isn't the best that I've written and I know that this chapter is far from being ok but I tried, I promise I'll try harder on the next one, also I'm sorry I haven't published anything for over a month, I've been going through a lot of things at the moment, I hope you can understand, thank you for being patient with me :3  <3

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