Chapter 3: Kieran's Secret

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Kieran’s POV

The day of the incident

I had no idea what was happening. I heard screaming down the hall, babies crying, and the ceiling above me was starting to crumble. My vision was blurry, my ears were ringing, and all i remembered was going into the elevator, and then it falling.

    “Hello? *cough* Is anyone there? I think my arm is broken. *cough*”

    “AAARGH”My head starting pounding and my vision starting turning dark.

    “AAH. WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME!?”A shadowy figure appeared before me.

    “I’m sorry to do this to you, but it must be done.”He started to walk towards me.

    “AAGH! GET AWAY FROM MEE-AAAGH!”The surging pain turned into complete agony.

    “I need to tell you something, but mind you, you won’t remember it after this. Not until you are ready for the knowledge with which your mind beholds.”

    “AAGH! STAY AWA-AAAGH!” He started whispering something into my ear, the words flowed like hot lava, piercing my brain.

    “The secret to surviving this atrocity, lies in the-”

All of a sudden i woke up, the room was burning, and there was smoke everywhere.

    “*cough* Steven? Jeff? *cough cough* Anybody?” I started to get up and winced with pain. My arm was broken, it looks as if it was crushed.

    “Oh god, what’s happening?” I took off my jacket and made a makeshift sling to hold my arm up. I had to find the others.

Present time, back at the house

    “I told you guys that i don’t know what happened to me! I passed out and when i woke up my arm was healed! Call it a miracle if you want! I’m just gonna say it’s luck!” i watched as a bit of anger set in Jeff’s eyes. Shane remained emotionless as she just leaned up against the stair rail.

           "So, you really don't know how you healed so damn quickly?" Shane said with a bit of hatred in her voice. None of us have ever heard Shane have any type of hatred. Honestly, it was one of the last things I thought she'd have. "Thanks anyway, Kieran." She hobbled up the stairs and went to her room. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to tell them. But, how was i supposed to? If i did, i don’t how they'd react, or if they'd believe me.

         Hours went by and Shane didn't leave her room. I decided to go check on her. I went up the stairs and went to her door. I knocked softly on the door. I waited for an answer, but received dead silence. I walked in cautiously to see her fast asleep in her bed. I was starting to tip toe out when-

       "It would have been nice if you didn't lie to through your teeth." I heard her soft voice say.

       "How could you-"

       "I watched your eyes. You wandered and your mouth just spat out words." She sounded like she was an expert at lying. "It is one of the many signs of lying." She sounded upset as she sat up a bit.

       "Why didn't you say something when we were downstairs?" I asked. She could have said numerous things, but instead thanked me for giving both of them absolutely rubbish. It kills me to lie to not only one person, but especially to one thy needs the information.

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