Never The Same...

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Never the same...

It's been a long rough way,
But deep down it still feels...
Like it was never the same.

Seeing people play with your heart,
Dropping it...
Crushing it...
Breaking it...
Destroying it till it's totally shattered,
Making it seem as it was never the same...

Why does being simple pinch soo much?
Picking up the shattered pieces,
Losing some on the way;
Making me feel incomplete...
Realising that it won't  ever be the same...

Still happy with what I have,
Showing everyone that fake smile;
Showing people the fake love...
The one that they die for.

It's usual now;
People coming and going;
Hearts shattering;
Girls playing with you,
Then remembering you...
It all feels the same.

Coming across new people;
Trusting them over love,
Handing them your heart;
Giving them utmost love...
Utmost affection...
Utmost care...
How does it end...
With you never being able to love again.

I don't feel sleep,
The pain keeps me awake;
It's all pilling up,
But you won't ever see it on my face...

I feel it...
Rushing down my veins;
Seeing the pain in your eyes everyday...
Like it was never the same...


~Another poem on the complications of love... About how love fucks with your brain. People come and go, but some of them force you to keep them in your memory, when you clearly don't wanna have them in your life. It really feels bad as to how people could be such Assholes at times.

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