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I have only been in 5 serious relationships, 1 break-up is a mutual decision and the other 4 had cheated on me.

Like seriously?

One stole my first kiss and the following assholes took away my  you-know-what-I-mean thing. Like seriously?

The one who stole my first kiss, we're still friends right now. And the other 4, they wouldn't even look at my way.

You see? Even if you gave everything you have, still people will cheat on you and wouldn't give a damn after the get what they want.

I'm not a man-hater. I love men as a matter of fact.

Ladies, choose carefully. Trust is fragile. There were plenty of good people on earth but there were also plenty of assholes running shamelessly around.

👯👯👯 coffeelove09

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