Hating for No Reason

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Ever had that feeling when you see another girl and you really hate her for no apparent reason?

Well, it's just I bumped into a lady yesterday and I instantly feel so irritated about her. I hate the way she apologize, I hate the way she walk.

I hate her sorry ass.

I hate her her voice.

I hate her hair.

I hate everything about her.

And because I AM a NICE girl I did forgave her and continue my day about.

Then you know what is sick? I just learned from my bestie just this morning, when we we're doing some catching-up, and  we both saw that same lady, she told me that she was the girl she saw hanging out with my boyfriend. She is the reason why he cheated on me.

Ugh! Am I just insecure? Or is it that I have every right to hate her?


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