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Inuyasha or "dog demon" in English translation to the name is a very cute, but annoying love story between Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kikiyo.

There's a sacard stone, and Inuyasha, along with Shippu, Sango, and Kagome have to collect the shattered shards. Inuyasha is half demon dog, Shippu is full fox demon, and the two girls are human. Sango, actually is a ninja and or demon slayer, but has a two tailed demon cat that was tamed. Oh, there is also a male priest or monk, who is perverted...

It also has lots of time travel...

Anyway there are a lot of things in this anime. Perverts, which are in about any anime you watch, tons of demons, some of them being "good" necromancy, and idolatry...

I give Inuyasha 2.5-3 of 5.

It's a great watch, but just not good for Christians in my opinion...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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