Chapter 3

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    I woke up to the doctor placing his hand on my shoulder.
    "Mr. Freckdon."
    "Yeah. What?" I sat straight up in the chair and my eyes widened.
    "Sorry to wake you. I wanted to ask if you had a place to stay at close by."
    "No. I live all the way in the military sector."
    "Oh, okay. I shouldnt do this but I can give you a room to stay in here. Just keep in mind that if its needed we will have to kick you out."
    "Well thank you but is there anyway I can just stay here?"
    "If that's what makes you feel best. The offer still stands though. Just let me know if your mind changes."
    "Thanks doc. When should I be able to take my baby home?"
    "Since he was born just about on time he should be good by tomorrow afternoon."
    "Thank you."
    The doctor walked away and I looked at my watch, the time read 4:30. I sighed, stood up, and walked to the coffee machine to get a cup of the worlds worst coffee. When my cup finished pouring I grabbed it, put a lid on it, and made my way back to the NICU where I sat for the rest of the day. I just sat and stared at a wall. I got tired so I checked my watch and it said back to me 23:50. Normally I would go to sleep around nine o"clock but due go the stress I had been caused eleven was understandable. I sat back in my chair, rested my head against the wall and fell asleep. I dreamt about my husband and the way his mouth would move when he was excited. How he would always want to be doing something just to keep me active. He loved to wake me up early in the morning and make me go hiking with him. We never traveled down the same trail twice.
    I was woken up by an explosion outside the hospital. I sprinted to see what had happened and what I saw made me run back inside. I sprinted all the way to the NICU, grabbed my baby and didnt move.
    "Mr. Freckdon. What happened?"
    "The women. They blew up the outer wall. Now we are defenseless and everybody is going to die."
    "No. Not everybody just those outside the buildings that are illegal to attack. Such as this one because it's a hospital."
    I looked him in the eyes and with a shakey, angry voice I said.
    "And you're one of the useless people who's gonna live."
    "Why am I useless?" He asked taken aback.
    "Because all you know how to do is medicine. All you are is a doctor. You aren't a field medic. You're a hospital doctor. All you know is how to heal. And when you are the only kind of person alive then we lose." I stood up and pushed him out of my way making it to the entrance and staring out I saw women and men shooting and killing each other. I decided it would be best to sneak out the side.
    I made my way behind buildings and through alleyways with my baby in hand. I was going fine until a woman saw me and tried to shoot. The gun was empty. She came sprinting at me with a knife. For a moment I thought about letting her but my baby began crying. I set him down and when she reached me I grabbed her knife hand and flipped her over my shoulder. The knife plunged into her neck when she hit the ground. I picked up my child and kept moving to my house. I didnt encounter anymore issues along the way. When I got there I set my baby down in a chair and packed minimally. I stuffed food, water a blanket a tent and a pillow. I grabbed my M4 an ammo case and 5 magazines. The ammo case went into my backpack and I strapped the baby to my back. I made my way to the ffront gate where I walked out and into the wilderness. I had to get away from the chaos for my baby.

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