Chapter 5

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    I woke up to footsteps on the floor right outside my room. I grabbed my gun and trained it on the door, gathering my senses. I listened for two seconds longer and had my bearings on where they were and how many there was. I opened my door quietly and backed up. I waited until they reached my room and saw three men enter my room.
    "Do not shoot. I am a Man as well," I set my gun on my bed. "I left during the assault by the women. I have a child and no wishes to lose him or leave him without a father."
    They lit me up like a christmas tree when I finished and then I woke up in my bedroom in the house I just built. I grabbed my gun and went to my door, opening it slowly. I stepped out and the end of my barrel ended up in Elizabeth's face. She grabbed it and pointed it to the floor very quickly. I fired a shot due to the immediate change in my hand position and it went into the floor. It didnt go through because the floor was half a tree trunk wide. I dropped the gun on the floor and apologized profusely.
    "It's fine, John. You didnt hurt me. It's okay."
    I embraced her in an apologetic hug.
    "I had a dream. I'm sorry. I will tell you later. I need some air, coffee, and a cigarette or a few more than one."
    "Okay. Dont worry about it. I'm fine. I will take care of the baby."
    I kissed her and went to the kitchen where I mashed up some beans and dropped them into a bag then put the bag into some hot water, making coffee. I grabbed a cup and went to the porch, lighting a cigarette when I sat down. I looked out across the valley to my right and noticed a small ridge that wasnt there yesterday. I stopped moving and studied the small ridge. The very top would shift toward other parts of itself in places but very rarely and it seemed to have no pattern. I stood up slowly and moved into the house slower than a sloth. I went to my room as fast as I could and grabbed my gun. I stepped outside and positioned my sightd on the ridge and slowly realised that they were people. It was a battalion of men and they had noticed me too. I went back inside, grabbed Elizabeth and brought her to the back room.
    "There is a battalion of men out there across the valley. I dont want them to see you and kill you. I love you. I will get you when it's safe."
    "I love you too," she said kissing me goodbye.
    I left the room and returned to the porch where I lit another cigarette and watched the camp of men as they moved around and watched me. The whole day passed as we watched each other and did nothing. When night fell I went to the room Elizabeth was in.
    "We're going to the bunker. I'll get the Baby and you pack some supplies."
    I went into the baby's room, packed some of his toys, swaddled him up, and went out into the kitchen and waited for Elizabeth. Not too long after she came out and walked outside towards the woods. We got to the treeline, pulled a peice of wood with dirt on it, about the size of an a steel door out of the ground and went into the hole putting the wood back over the hole as we went down. The hole went down on a slant about fifty feet and ended in a room supported by nine foot tall beams and filled with shelves of food and had two beds in opposite corners from each other.
    "Stay here. I will be back. I love you. Do not come out."
    I left, replacing the wood, and I carefully approached the battalion and introduced myself with my name and serial number. I was scrutinized for leaving but it was agreed upon that a 7 acre square around my house was clear. The battalion moved and I moved mg family back into the house and we went to bed.
    In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of footsteps on the floor right outside my room. I grabbed my gun and trained it on the door, gathering my senses. I listened for two more seconds and dropped the barrel of my gun sighing deeply.
    "Babe, is that you?"
    "Yeah," she said opening the door. "It's okay. Lay back down, Hun."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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