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Nicole's pov.
I wake up with Billie cuddling into my neck, her head resting in the crook of my neck. Gross. I get up and stretch, looking out at the beautiful hillside view. "Nicole." Billie murmurs. I walk to her and crouch by her, looking into her ocean eyes. "Yes?" She whispers into my ear. "Can you get a dog for me? Like, steal it?" Damn, I knew it would come sooner or later but a dog? "Whatever." I get up and scroll through Netflix. "You're not fully awake so I won't go by your word." She seems to have fallen asleep again.

A few hours pass and Billie wakes up. "Where's my dog?" She asks the second she gets up. "Oh, you were serious?" She sighs, and rolls her eyes. "Duh bitch. Go rob that house behind yours. They have a dog." Mr Barnaby? He's such a nice elderly man though. "Whatever, drive me over there since you want it so bad." She nods. She pulls out a ski mask and bandana. "Which one?" I think for a bit, then point to the bandana. "Hurry, I'll drop you off soon." I sigh and enter the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Why are you doing this? Just, try to run away again! They'll catch me again. Not if you kill Billie and use her car. Smart, but if they caught me Finneas would never let me hear the end of it. Bitch, just do it and say the police got her! I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head, and started to run the shower. I took off Billie's sweater and my panties, and got in. I pressed my head against the wall as the water ran down my back.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off, brushing my hair and stepping out of the steamy bathroom to see Dani and Billie, talking. I brushed it off as nothing, and got dressed. I sat on the bed for about 10 minutes before I said, "Are we going or what, Billie." She glared at me and I rolled my eyes at her. She mouthed 'Dont get an attitude with me'. I snickered and rolled my eyes again, and left.

She came downstairs, dressed in all blue with a blue bandana on. "Car, now." "Okay, give me like an hour." I teased. "Just get in the fucking car." I sighed and got into the black BMW and she got in the drivers side. "Please, don't get caught. Don't kill anyone unless its necessary." She started the car and we drove to Mr. Barnaby's house. "Get his border collie." I shrugged as I hopped out of the car. Mr. Barnaby always went to bed early, and I hope that his dog isn't in his room. I creep into his yard, and I see the dog running about in his living room. I pry open the clear sliding doors and slide it closed behind me. "Who's there?" I hear a voice echo through the foyer of the villa. I freeze and reach for the knife Billie gave me. "Hello?" Mr Barnaby stumbles around in the dark, patting walls for the light switch. I make a dash for it and run up to him, stabbing his shoulder. He screams, and his dog starts to bark at me. I twist the shoulder out of his fragile shoulder and grab his other arm, twisting it behind his back. I've always wondered what murderers thought or felt while killing, and all I feel is adrenaline. I stab through his back into his heart and let his body drop, picking up the dog and putting a muzzle on it and tying it by its legs. "Fuck me. Why did I do this?" I hop over the fence with the whimpering dog and open up the van, climb in, and sit down. What the fuck just happened.

Billie's pov.
Nicole looks scared and exhausted. "Look at how cute the puppy is!" No response. She must be trying to recuperate from what happened. I notice blood on her sleeves and shirt, and she's wide eyed and shaking. "You killed him?" No response. Her grey eyes look lifeless as she stares off into space. I sigh and start to drive to our mansion on the hill.

We make it to the mansion and I carry the puppy over my shoulder, she remains still. I call Finneas as I hike up the long path. No response. I see blue and red lights surrounding the house and my heart skips eight beats at once.

anna ou

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