Chapter 1

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{A/N Picture above is what you will look like throughout the story}

  What’s the world like? What does it look like? I want to know all those things and more, I want to see them but alas, I can’t because I am blind.. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I am from Russia, I’m adopted, and I am blind. Today, I am moving to Paris because of my mother’s work. It is said in the books I ‘read’ that Paris is the city of love and that it had beautiful scenery, wish I could see it but poor me, I can’t.
   I quietly sigh to myself and look over to my right, well, I can’t really look so let’s just say I turned to my right and listened to my little friend eat his snack. When I say, little friend I mean my golden retriever. I don’t know what he looks like but I think of him as an actual golden dog but that’s just my imagination. If I had to guess, maybe he would be a yellow-ish color??
  Other than that, Buddy is super soft. I’ve had him ever since my parents left me - “(Y/N) Get your ass down here, it’s time to go!” I heard my older brother yell, I take a deep breath before feeling around slightly. Buddy must’ve noticed me trying to get up because he guided me off my bed and to the door, my luggage had already been packed and were ready downstairs so I just needed to get my useless ass downstairs so we won’t miss our flight. The people who I am living with is my mother, older brother and sister who are both twins, but only my sister is nice to me.. My mother and brother both hate me, the one who decided to adopt me was father but he passed and I was blamed for his death.. Pretty depressing right? Well, it’s just my life and I’m going to have to start a new one in Paris.
Yay me.
    Now, I'm on the plane, heading towards Paris and I sadly had to sit in between my twin siblings. I had been leaning against my sister, sleeping. I knew it was my sister because her arms were slender and very feminine. Plus, I heard her soft and quiet breaths. Now that I think about it, that sounds creepy but no matter, Buddy was asleep on my lap whilst hand rested on his back.
  He wasn't a big dog but medium one, not heavy either. I groaned, shifting as I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes "Are we still on the plane Ly..?" I asked, I was looking forward and turned my head towards my sister, Lyra as I heard her speak. "Yes, (Y/N) we are still on the plane. We will arrive in about 2-3 hours." she said, ruffling my hair. I could hear her giggle which told me that she was smiling, oh how I wish to see my sister's smile.. I get interrupted from my thoughts by a loud and obnoxious snore which belonged to my annoying ass brother. What lovely hours these will be...

To be continued

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