Chapter 2

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We've finally arrived in Paris, or so I have been told. Lyra helped me out of the plane, helping me with my luggage as well and as we have our conversation I could hear my mother and brother have their own talk in front of us. I bump into something and listen as a grunt came afterwards, "Watch where you're going you little twerp!" My asshole of a brother growled out. "Well, I'm sorry if your dumbass was walking slow in front of a blind person. Someone who can't see or watch where they are going." I say, crossing my arms. I hear faint growls beside me and instantly knew it was Buddy, it's not the first time Buddy has growled at my idiotic brother. "Calm down Buddy." I say softly, hearing the growls fade away as I feel something soft nuzzle into my hand,

I smile and pet it already knowing it was my helpful partner. "Let us go, we are going to be late to the meeting with Mr. Agreste and his son." My mother says, I hear wheels rolling and feel a soft hand grab my own. "Let's go Y/N!" I hear Lyra exclaim, I smile and nod. "Right!" I say, trying to sound just as excited as my sister. It's hard to be excited.. I mean, all I can do is use four of my senses, my fifth one was taken away from me ten years ago.. I'm 14 and I can't see the so called beauty of Paris. We began walking in a certain direction, I hear Buddy's soft steps beside me and bags rolling in front of me. It was rather loud in the airport, a light gasp was heard and I knew it was my mother.

I turn my head towards Lyra's direction and tilt my head, "Why did she gasp..?" I whispered to the older female. "There is some kind of bodyguard holding up a sign with our last name on it." Lyra responded. "Ah, so the Agrestes sent their bodyguard to pick us up." I heard the son was some kind of model? That means if me and the kid become good friends, he might be nice enough to donate some money so I could get surgery and get my eyesight back. Then again, he could be some spoiled brat.. Well, we'll just have to see once we get there.


The moving vehicle my family and I were in came to a stop, I hear a door open and close before hearing another door open. My mother thanks the person who drove us I assume and there was a low grunt, I then began thinking about what the person who drove us looked like. "We're moving." I hear my sister whisper to me softly as I walk beside her, Buddy helps me up the stairs as I feel his tail pat my leg softly which caused me to giggle softly but immediately stopped when my mother shushed me.

Rude. I thought as I puff my cheeks, doors could be heard opening and footsteps being heard as well all walked into the establishment. "Woah..." My sister whispers beside me, "How big is it..?" I asked quietly. "Super big.." She responded, sounding as if she was in awe. "Welcome, you must be Elizabeth L/N." a voice echoes throughout the large house and footsteps made their way to us, not just two but.. Maybe four or six? "Yes, and you are Gabriel Agreste." I have never heard the woman speak so sweetly, it gives me the chills.

"And this is your son, Adrien Agreste. Nice to meet you, I am Elizabeth L/N."

"Nice to meet you as well."

I like how the boy's voice is so smooth, he sounds cute - "This is my son, Lucas and his twin, Lyra. My youngest, her name is Y/N." My mother spoke with her chillingly sweet tone as I feel myself being pushed forward softly, I quietly stand facing forward since I have no idea where or who to turn to. "Nice to meet you." The twins and I say in unison. "I'm sorry but can your.. Pet, wait outside?" I hear Mr. Agreste say. Does he have something against dogs or something? Like hell am I leaving my baby outside where someone might take him, I don't know Paris like that.

"I'm sorry sir but if my dog goes outside, so do I." I speak up though my voice was soft.


"I don't think I need to repeat myself, since you have your eyes you can look with so you can see this dog is my service animal meaning he stays with me and if he waits outside then so do I." I say calmly. The man sounded amused as he hummed, "Right. The dog may stay. Adrien, show Ms. Elizabeth's children around the mansion."

"Yes, Father. Follow me." Adrien said, I hear footsteps separating. I stay where I am, not knowing if we were also leaving before feeling something nudge me forward. I started walking towards the direction I was nudge and I soon feel someone's hand hold mine and it wasn't my sister's but it was soft..

"You're blind, right?" The same smooth voice from before asked, telling me it was the Adrien kid. "Uh.. Yeah." I respond, my face warms up for some reason as I then notice that Adrien was helping me up the stairs, Buddy was too. I smile and a spond we reach the top, I thank the boy who helped me and praised Buddy for being such a big help as well.

"Let the tour begin!" Adrien exclaimed as he was still holding my hand, my face grew warmer as I heard my sister chuckle behind us and whisper, "Ship...~" I swear.. But he does seem like a nice guy.... Could be real cute for all I know.

I am starting to think that maybe Paris won't be so bad...

{Sorry this is so shitty, it's like 11 something and I rushed it soo yeah. Goodbye my butterflies, see you next time!}

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