Chapter four

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Back in the current time. Third person pov

"What do you mean the school does not know where they went?" Arthur paced around the house, worried as Francis tried to calm him down. "My love, please calm down; maybe they are just running late," Francis said, trying to calm his worried husband. "School ended six hours ago, and they have not come home; we might need to call the police," Arthur said, looking at Francis. Who suddenly spaced out. "Love?" Arthur asked, confused at his husband's sudden expressionless face. "Who .....are you? look familiar," Francis said to Arthur, confused. "What? This is no time for jokes, Francis! We need to call the police," Arthur said, worried, walking closer to him, but he took a step back.

"What?" Arthur said in disbelief. Suddenly Francis shook his head and looked at Arthur, worried. "Whoa, what just happened?" He asked, confused. " forgot who I was," Arthur said, now really concerned. Arthur started to think for a moment. "Come with me," he told Francis. They both walked to Arthur's home study, and Arthur began to look around for something frantically. "What are you doing?" Francis asked, confused, seeing Arthur look around but not through anything. "There!" Arthur pointed to a space.

"A is missing," Francis gasped, now even more horrified. "Alfred probably wanted to "play" with some of my things," Arthur looked frustrated, trying to think. "Do you know which one they took?" Francis asked frantically. "No, I need to check to see which one is missing from my list," Arthur said, walking to his desk and taking out a list of books. "The book was in the "m" section," Arthur said, flipping through the list to the M's. He walked back over to the shelf and checked for each book. "I found it," he said as Francis looked closer, wondering. "The book contained spells that are of time," Arthur said, looking up to Francis, worried. "What does that mean?" Francis asked, bending down to look at Arthur. "The boys.....they time traveled."

~Alfred pov~
"These are new students, Matthew Williams and Alfred F. jones," the teacher smiled at everyone. We nodded and took empty seats in the back of the class. "What do we do now!" Mattie asked me. "We need to get them to like each other, so maybe we should try befriending them?" I asked. "Yeah, that could work, but dad is super smart and would know something is up if we say anything out of the ordinary. We would need to watch what we say," Mattie pointed out. I nodded to his point. Our dad could sense someone lying a mile away. "We could try, but we can't get too comfortable around them, or comfortable with anyone for that matter; we do not want to risk throwing off someone else's timelines," Mattie warned again. "Yes, you are right," I said, thinking about it. "Listen....if it goes wrong and we cease to exist, I just want to tell you that you are the best brother in the world," I smiled at Mattie, worried. I crossed the line this time; who knows if we will get out of this mess?

After classes ended, Matthew and I met up on the side of the school. "I have a class period with dad," Matthew smiled. "Me too, but with papa," I said. "That could help; we can ask them to hang out with us, maybe?" I asked, wondering. "Maybe, but we need help from two people," Matthew added thoughtfully. "Really? Them?" I said, complaining. "You know they did help get dad and papa together; they always brag about it," Matthew added. "Gilbert and Antonio ....we do not know what they were like as teens. What if they try doing something weird? Dad said they were big perverts back then," I defended. "It is our only chance; we need to find them," Matthew said, and I groaned, nodding. "Fine," I said. We noticed the sun starting to go down the longer we stayed. "Do you have money on you?" Matthew asked me. "Yes...I brought my wallet," I said, taking it out. "Good, we need to stay somewhere at a hotel for the night. How much do you have?" Matthew asked me. I looked in my wallet and counted the money. "Almost 380 pounds," I said, and he nodded. "I think I have 126 pounds on me," he said, taking out his wallet. "That should last a few days, and we should get a job or something," Matthew suggested as I nodded.


After a while, we made it to the nearest hotel. We bought a single bedroom to save money. "I wonder if dad and papa noticed we are gone," Matthew said sadly, pulling his knees into his chest. "I completely forgot about the present time them. They must be worried sick by now," I said, thinking about dad pacing throughout the house and papa trying to calm him down, hiding the fact that he was also worried. "Dad is smart, maybe....hopefully they figured out what happened by now," Matthew added, opening up the book. "The spell was supposed to take us to the time during that picture. Instead, we were thrown back a couple of months. I wonder what I did wrong," Matthew continued to think.

I felt terrible. This was my fault, to begin with, and now who knows if we will be able to accomplish our goal of helping our parents meet before the time before the photo. "I miss them," I laughed, thinking about our parents. " kind of makes you think about how important they are to us," Matthew said. "They only thought that weighs on me is that...I wish I would have spent more time talking to them this morning, hugged them, or told them I loved that if it does not work out, they would know," I said sadly. "No! We will be able to do this, and we should stop second-guessing ourselves. Tomorrow is a new day, and I say we work hard to get this goal accomplished," Matthew stood up from his slump and smiled at me. ""

Thanks for reading so far!!!!!

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