Chapter seven

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"Shall we go over the plan again?" I asked, looking at Alfred in our hotel room. "No, I got this," he laughed. "Oh really, then tell me what we are doing," I asked, crossing my arms. "So, You get Arthur to go to the courtyard while I bring Francis, "accidentally," Arthur gets some soda dumped all over him, then Francis would have to swoop in to help him," he smiled, and I nodded. "Good" Now, are you ready to hold a big gallon of soda today?" I laughed, and he nodded.

Later that day, we made sure everything was ready for our plan. Francis can not resist helping Arthur. Deep down, he will want to; that makes this plan perfect. "Okay, go get Francis; try to stall him until I get Arthur on the right spot," I told Alfred as he gave me a thumbs up. He would carry the soda in an open container so it would be easier to pour onto Arthur.

"Hey, Arthur, do you mind coming with me somewhere?" I smiled nicely as he set his book down to look at me. "Why?" He asked, studying me. "I thought I should be honest with you, so I was wondering if we could talk in the courtyard," I said innocently. He looked at me for a second, and it was like he could not say no. "Oh....okay," he said, looking at me, concerned just like he would as a parent. "So, What did you want to discuss?" He asked, following me. "The book, of course," I laughed, leading him out to the courtyard.

"Sounds great; I still have so many questions to ask you," he started as I stopped at the discussed spot. "Like what?" I asked, looking to the nearby door. As a signal, I lifted my hand to scratch the back of my head. I saw Francis walking with Alfred as he pretended to struggle to carry a bucket full of soda. "Well, when I got mine, I was told it was the only one of its kind," Arthur explained, confused. "Oh well.... maybe they lied to you?" I asked, confused. "No, not possible. I looked it up in any book store I could, and no one seems to have heard of such a book; I think there is more to it," Arthur continued.

Alfred started running towards us as planned. "Hey Mattie," he called to me. Arthur turned around to look at the exact spot I said; Alfred tripped, making the bucket of soda fly in the air and fall all over Arthur. We did it! The plan worked. "Oh my god, Arthur," Francis ran over to him, looking at him in a mess. "What the bloody hell were you thinking running with a bucket of liquid!" Arthur started to lecture Alfred.

"Mon Ami, calm down; it was only an accident. Come now, let's get you changed. I have spare clothes in my locker, and you can shower in the locker room," Francis reassured him holding his hand out for Arthur to grab. Arthur calmed down a lot. Reluctantly taking his hand, he nodded, soon standing up. "I am sorry, Matthew. Can we take a rain check on this discussion?" Arthur asked, and I nodded. Francis wiped some of his hair out of his face smiling at him. "Do not worry, you still look cute," he laughed, taking his hand and pulling him inside the school.

"It worked..." Alfred and I said, shocked and happy. We looked at each other and started to cheer in happiness. "Now, we need to make sure Gilbert and Antonio keep them close," Alfred said, making me nod. All of this will come together in the end.

~present with third person pov~

"Huh?...." Francis and Arthur stopped suddenly from the books around them. "Di.....did you.... see that?" Arthur asked, confused. " is as if..... the bus stop meeting did not happen, like....we saw," Francis could not finish his sentence. "Like they are trying to fix what they messed up. They must have interfered with the day we met and are trying to fix it," Arthur added, a little surprised. "But how would they have..." Francis thought for a second. "The bus stop...I can't remember you getting on; maybe they interfered somehow, by accident," Francis added sadly that he could not recall the meeting of the bus anymore. Arthur started to get a piece of paper and write something fast. "What are you doing?" Francis asked, holding his throbbing head. "Writing down our actual past before we forget it forever. I am writing every single detail I can," Arthur said, struggling to finish it.

"There," he said, looking back at all the detail he could remember. Arthur suddenly dropped the book as his hands could not grip it properly. "Arthur?" Francis asked worriedly. He stood up quickly to rush to his husband's aid. "Who are you again? Sorry, you look familiar... I have not the slightest clue where I am right now," Arthur said, a bit too calm to Francis. Arthur could see Francis's heart shatter by his expression. "My love, it is me. We have two beautiful children, and we are married," Francis said, begging for Arthur to remember. Arthur was the only one he had at the moment.

Arthur's eyes widened once more and snapped out of the sudden daze. "Francis? What is wrong? You are crying," Arthur said, lifting his finger to push the tear away. Francis breathed out in relief. "I thought I lost you," he said, worried. Arthur realized what had happened, and a look of determination soon spread across his face. "We have to find a way to help the children," Arthur said, looking intensely at the book. He saw the paper and read it. "So this.... is what happened" Arthur smiled happily at the writing and lost memory. "How lovely," Arthur started to tear up.

Thanks for reading so far:)

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