Can we change my name from Jimin

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why are people so fucking mean

well hi there

what's wrong

do you think i'm heartless with no feelings and am not capable of feelings i really need to know

i think you are capable of feeling i just don't think you like to use them very often

i helped a poor lady once i got her food and even brought her a house she was broke yo. i come to find out people only use me for my money and my damn brother what's so bad about me i think i have a great personality

people who think they have a great personality usually don't


but your different, you probably actually do

you're so nice thanks jimin

can we change my name from jimin

i don't know what else to call you



archer, just call me my name

oh i love that name, it's an amazing name, so nice it reminds me of being in a park during fall

that's comforting

yeah but i'm by myself

don't get depressed on me again i can't deal with it

oh um sorry

but to jump there again real quick how rich are you if you brought a person a house

my family is really rich so i have a lot of money, i'm not gonna rely on it though i'm gonna become an indepennt person someday working getting jobs and actually making money of my own without the help of my parents

good for you that's a big thing some people can't do that

well i can i'm sure of it

awe ok well now i gtg it was a nice chat to have with you princess goodbye


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