What has two feet and two thumbs?

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what has two feet and two thumbs?


no me!  i mean you too but that was the proper answer was supposed to go 'what has two feet and two thumbs?' and then you answer 'you!' like really excitedly

ok let's go again i'll do better

alright bet arch

what has two feet and two thumbs?


ah perfect, so why are you not arguing back with me and actually playing along with my silliness you seem happy today

is that a bad thing

no i like this side of you

oh well good then, i just got accepted to this school i've been wanting to go to in a long time



wow that's great news congrats arch

i like this new nickname

oh no jimin


jimin i told myslef i was gonna continue calling you jimin welp i messed that up

you can continue calling me jimin i don't mind

you must be really happy

i am i don't even care 


oh so this is who my friends been talking to hello


you are

i'm sarah nice to finally talk to you

hmm you too

sorry about that 

was that your friend



remember those fake friends i was telling you about well

oh i see, tell her i'll break her if she hurts you

that's sweet really jimin but it's not needed


so this school

ah yes this school it's amazing it's an arts school

really oh i love the arts, painting, dancing, singing, what are you in

i actually take up dancing

you really are my jimin

and singing, how

how slow can you be he's in a group that can sing and dance and rap but he can't trap i mean he can but he can't anyway he aslo took ballet when he was younger


he is not gay watch your mouth when speaking about a precious baby

oh my god

anwyay before i continue yelling at you i need to eat food so goodbyebye my jimin

bye princess

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