Part 1

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[Izuku Midorias Diary]

Shoto has been acting weird around me. Lately I've been thinking that he doesn't want to be my friend. Since we've been in class 1A I've started to have feelings for Shoto. I don't think Shoto likes me like that. I wish he would tell me what's going on. I already know that Shoto and I wouldn't be a couple. Shoto doesn't like boys like that . I wish he did.

"Hey Shoto!"

"Y-yes ?" Shoto said blushing.

"I-uh just wanted to know why you've been avoiding me lately."Izuku said while bracing himself for the worst possible answer.

"Izuku-uh the r-reason that I-I've been avoiding you is um-because I-uh started to h-have feelings for you.." Shoto said blushing and looking as the ground nervously.

"...shoto.."Izuku said quietly, "...I h-have feelings for you too.."
"Really..? Y-you have feelings for me too?" Said Shoto shocked and blushing.

"Yeah... Shoto I want you to be my b-boyfriend." Izuku said while blushing. "I will be your boyfriend Izuku." Shoto said while crying.

Izuku u grabs Shoto and they both go into the janitors closet.Izuku pulls Shoto close and hugs him.
. Shoto and Izuku stairs lovingly into each other's eyes. Shoto pulls Izuku closer and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.
**Ring ring**
"Shoto it's the school bell we should get to class.." Izuku said red faced.
"Yeah we should. Aizawa is going to be mad if we're late."

Shoto and Izuku walk through the hall back to class unable to stop blushing when they look at each other.

Shoto and Izuku sit down in their seats.

"So today class we are going to be learning about how to shut up and let me sleep."Aizawia said seriously.
"But that's not important to our hero training." Tenya stated.

"It's important to me do just shut up and work on anything you want. You can talk just keep it down. If one of you wake me up before my timer goes off I will expel you."Aizawia  said seriously.

Izuku idn't hear a word Aizawia said all he could think about was Shoto and him in the janitors closet.

Shoto was also distracted. He was glancing at Izku and blushing. Izuku and Shoto both glanced at each other at the same time and locked eyes. Then looked back down.

Both Izuku and Shotos faces were red. Then Tenya came up to Izuku .

"Izuku think you should go to the nurse. You red in the face and sweating." Tenya said.
"Oh-I'm fine! I'm just a little hot can you turn the ac on."Izuku said blushing.

"Shoto you and Izuku both are very red in the face are you sure you're not sick?" Tenya stated.
"Yeah I'm fine." Said both Shoto and Izuku at the same time. Which made them both blush more and look at the ground.

Ochaco said, "Tenya don't you understand what's going on?"
"No. They look like they have a fever." Said Tenya
"There blushing. Tenya... they like each other." Whispered Ochaco.
"O-Ok" Tenya said while looking ashamed.

[Izuku Midorias diary]

Me and Shoto are dating! I didn't know he liked me that way! I have a boyfriend!! In class Tenya was asking us why we were so red faced. I don't think he knows why. I don't know why but all I want to do is hold Shoto close just like in the janitors closet. All I can think about is him.

I'm going to invite him to my house tomorrow. My moms going to be out of town. Thank god. I  just want to be alone with Shoto again.... I want him to kiss me again and hold me. I love Shoto...

Word count:631

~This is my first attempt at a fan fiction and I hope you like it. I decided to make it because of my friends they inspired me to try to write fan fictions and even though it may not be good they support me and they help me to do better.~

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