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I lay my eyes on the dancing figure
But her eyes are shut
Moving so swiftly
She tells her stories with her body

Her movements complimenting the music
I will never hear music the same
Never be able to listen to music
Without her dancing in my mind

I close my eyes with her
As if my heart can somehow reach her
As if my words will never be enough to describe the way I'm feeling
My heart swells and begins to thump
Can you feel it?

Can you feel my sore heart?
For I'm helpless in communicating otherwise
The heart so powerful yet so powerless

And suddenly the music stops
She stops dancing in my mind
I open my eyes
And the curtains close

I feel an aching in my chest
Where have you gone?
And what stories do you have unspoken?

Words Unspoken: PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now