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"So, you want answers"

"Well why am i here dufus!"

"Egh ok..... From the start?"

"The very start."

"Ok well my mothers water broke and she began to be in terr---"

"No ugh u know what i mean! No sarcastic business!"

"Hahah ok then. Well i was studying with alea for a while before she became a companion. She was great with a bow and she taught me everything she knew. She was a great friend who always supported me when i was down. She surprisingly was not such a hunting gal (girl) at all! She loved peace and disliked killing animals. She usually ate just crops."


"Yea i know its hard to believe isn't it! But going on with the story.... Alea was not named huntress after a while. She was going though some tough times at home and with her family so she spent a lot of time with me. She didn't want to talk about it much but when she did, i was all ears! So she gradually opened up more and more until she figured out she wanted to leave home. I thought it was a great idea with everything going on but i knew inside of her, she wanted to still stay with her family... Because family is family you know? You cant get a second one."

"Maybe that explains why she calls us her family a lot"

"Yea im not sure. So back to the story... Well she finally left home at 16 when i was 15 and she lived in a abandoned shack near dawnstar. She said it was great but it was creaky and old so not great to live in i think. So one day when i was a bit older, alea and i went out to hunt some gold. Like you know, ask people for jobs and stuff. So we first went to whiterun to ask the jarl. So that was about when the dragons came to skyrim. So the jarl said we could kill this dragon and we did so but when it died, it broke down and i absorbed some power."

"So-so your th-the dragonborn?!"

"Yes yes i am the dragonborn. The jarl told us the story's and stuff and i told alea that i needed to head to high horothgar to train my gift and i would need to leave her behind. She was heartbroken but understood and we had our last goodbyes and i headed up to train. So long story short i killed alduin and mirrak."


"I know i know dont get all cushy on me now, after i finished i realised i completely forgot about alea and before i promised to meet her every month at least. It would of been about... 2 years ago, i think. So i headed to her rickety old shack and looked for her but she wasn't there. I thought she would of moved somewhere better. So i searched and searched but i couldn't find her. I eventually gave up and looked for a guild to join. So i found the thieves guild..."


"Dont judge! I was very emotional back then! So i put them back into shape and then i looked for another guild and i found you guys And alea and i was so glad, she was too but not too much knowing i abandoned her for years and she had no other friend. But we made up and i learnt alot about her like her new name."

"Humm ok thats interesting"

"Yea so thats my story."

"It seems like you have succeeded in most guilds, i hope you can with this one!"

"Oh shut up Farkas!"

"Haha sorry lass!"

My Companion Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن