I'm back and have ships for you! :D

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A/n: Sorry I haven't been active lately, I've been dealing with personal stuff and almost forgot about this account, but I'm back now :D

(Warning: There is alot of cussing, sorry about that but this is Marks egos we're talking about, they'd probably cuss like sailors anyway xD)

Here are some ships you can choose to be the next one-shot, they are previews of what I'm going to write. So tell me if you like them! Hope I did a good job D;

Have a good day, or night, to anyone who's reading this!

Dark x Host: (This will be a smut one-shot so- *cOuGh* sorry :'))

Host fucked up, he got distracted and Anti managed to get into Darks important stuff and ruin it AGAIN. And guess who was supposed to be the one to make sure that didn't happen? Host was.

Dark was pissed, not just at Anti, but at Host. He gave Host one job, one! That was all he had to do, but he just had to mess it up somehow.

Dark was not only pissed, but frustrated, sexually frustrated. He was in heat, he has been for awhile, but managed to keep his composure. But he couldn't now, he far to mad to, that's when he decided to take his frustrations out on Host.

"HOST, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Darks voice boomed loudly throughout the household. It made Host frightened, he didn't want to face Darks wrath, the last time someone made him this mad he nearly killed them!

"B-But Host does not want to go..." Host quietly whimpered to himself. But he knew that if he didn't go he'd be in more trouble than he already is. So he went over to where Dark was...

(Andddd that's it for now, this one I just thought of randomly and wrote it down on paper to save for a one-shot. Hope this was good, it was a little weird for me to write because I don't think I'm that good at writing but oh well :'))

Wilford x Bim: (Can be a smut or fluff, you can choose)

It was bad, no, it was a war. A show war to be exact, Bim and Wilford haven't been seeing things eye-to-eye lately. They both have, kind-of good ideas, except Wilfords idea to shoot a random person and record it- Okay so maybe Bims ideas were a little more, well, sane then Wilfords.

But that's not the just the main reason for them fighting with each-other, it's mostly because they can't agree on anything and I'm not talking about Wilfords killing ideas. It was like they weren't thinking alike anymore, they usually put both of their ideas together but it's been a rough week for them.

Now all they did was argue and it was driving the other egos nuts, but they didn't dare interfere, not even Dark did. They all knew that pissing off Wilford would end up with them getting shot, he wasn't kidding when he didn't take shit from no-one, not even the big bad Dark.

And Bim, he's really petty. Oh, you wanted a normal cup of coffee this fine morning? Well guess what, he replaced the sugar with salt. And oh, what's this? You wanted to have a nice breakfast or meal in general today? Guess what, there's hot sauce or something that the specific ego that he's targeting hates in there. What this means is that Bims a petty bitch, moving on.

"WHY CAN'T WE DO THAT?! WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH THAT IDEA NOW?!?" Wilford shouted, he about had enough of the ego infront of him.

"BECAUSE WE CAN'T DO THAT, WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! HOW ARE YOU POSSIBLY THAT STUPID?!!" Bim countered back, he didn't want to ruin his reputation just because of Wilfords 'stupid' idea.

"What did you call me?." Wilford said, his voice lowering rapidly.

"I- uh- I called you... stupid?" Bim nervously stammered, he didn't like the look nor the lowering of Wilfords voice, it made him incredibly nervous.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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