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It may have been a bright and sunny day, but it did not seem so to our main protagonist.

His name is Daniel Jennings and he is 15 years old. Daniel had a life full of hardships. He was bullied and mistreated. He was seen as a freak.

Daniel lived with his mom and his cat.
They were his best friends. Amelia and Maurice had been with him for all that he went through.

Now, you may be wondering why Daniel is an outcast. In a world where most everyone has brown eyes, Daniel has purple. People with colored eyes have abilities and most go on to be villians. This means that without even getting to know poor Daniel people think he is inherently evil.

These special people are left to bare their way through the world and with the general populace against them most have to take to crime to support themselves. Those that are spotted young or are deemed as interesting are taken to government facilities to be tested.

Colored eyes are genetic, but are a resessive trait. This means that if you have colored eyes than you child will too, so nobody wants to be with a person with colored eyes.

Some with colored eyes are desirable. People with dark blue eyes are useful because they can pull things from the void of space. Sea green can control water and light blue can control air. Purple eyes have never been recorded before however. Daniel has to figure out his powers by himself.

This is the story of how he figured out his powers and made friends along the way.

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