...Chapter 2...

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"Hey Parket." Daniel mumbled. "You look different my friend."

"I know," Parket agreed,"I am."

"Well... Sit down at least. You look stupid just standing there."

As Daniel sits down he gets to take a closer look at the others at the table.

The red eyes boy had short grey hair with little volume. He wore a typical school uniform and seemed to be very prim and proper. The boy looked around 13 and was a scrawny short white kid. The boy was a teacher's pet kind of kid and had a belt with small vials looped on. An unknown substance was in the containers but it looked sticky.

The green eyes girl had long light brown hair that was a wavy mess and her ringlets seemed to curl up around her. She wore a plain white sundress and appeared to be about 10 years old. Her feet were bare and her nails had dirt underneath. She was a bit darker skinned and looked tall for her age.

The pink eyed boy, the long lost friend, had short white hair that was shaved on one side and flowed over to frame one side of his gorgeous face.
His white hair seemed to disappear into his white sweater. He played the part of the pretty nerd with his sweater, vans, and black jeans combo. His final touch was a dove necklace that Daniel gave him in middle school.

For the first time in years Daniel took a look at himself.

The purple eyes boy had a mess of curly brown hair that oftentimes covered his eyes that paired well with his olive shin and numerous freckles. He paired his emo look with multiple band bracelets, plain white t-shirt, and ripped jeans. Combat boots and a grey sweatshirt fastened around the waist really tied off his look.

As Daniel looked around he noticed that everyone in the cafeteria seemed to be in their own clothing which was baffling to the boy. He though a government facility would be stricter than this.

"Well, what are all of your names?" Daniel questioned.

"The little girl is named Basil and this young man is Paytin. He just goes by Pay. And as you should know, My name is Parket!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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