Only Going To Break

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(Listen to "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low while reading!)

She watched as he walked away, her heart breaking with every single step he took. He disappeared into the dark night and she fell to her knees, tears rolling silently down her cheeks. She remembered the promise he made to her, so long ago…


He was weighed down with every single step away from her. He wanted so badly to turn around and hold her like he always did, but that was impossible. He heard her cry softly and his heart broke. He couldn’t believe he had really lost her, he felt so empty inside…


“You know I’m only going to break your little heart, right? You’ll be broken and I’ll be no worse for wear,” he warned her. She didn’t believe that though. She thought she could change him.

“I know, just don’t make it anytime soon,” she smiled weakly. He nodded and pulled her against him, kissing her forehead lightly.


The promises he had made to her all faded into nothingness. He knew he had broken her.


The sky broke open and rain began pouring down, mirroring how she felt inside. She spun in the rain, letting it soak her face and clothes. She needed to wash away every trace of him.


He walked home, the rain making his clothes stick to his body. Without a thought, he opened a bottle of vodka. He poured the liquid in his mouth and let it burn his throat. The bottle was finished in no time. He didn’t know what he was looking for, he couldn’t remember. He knew there was someone he had hurt, but the memories of the girl faded as the alcohol mixed with his blood.


She stopped feeling as the weeks passed by. She thought it would be better after he was gone, but everything was harder. She could barely make it through a day without tears. She was hoping it was just a twisted dream.


He tried to drown out the world in a blur of alcohol and mistakes. Nothing worked, the memory of her laugh always lurked in the back of his mind.


She would always wake up crying. He used to hold her close when that happened and wipe her tears. He was her wonderwall.


He accepted it. They were done. He remembered late night talks, the day she showed him her scars and how he promised to never let her fall that low again.


She didn’t want to. But she needed something. With slow, shaky movements, she drew the blade across her skin. Droplets of blood bloomed like an unwelcome flower.


He knew what she must have done since he left her. He knew that a simple, ‘I love you’ could save her.


All she wanted him to know was she loved him. She would always love him. She would carry his love as a burden in her mind.


He needed to see her, to hold her more than anything. It had been nearly a year since he had seen her, since he had left her crying on the sidewalk.


She wanted to kiss him again. But she knew that was impossible. She took a drink from a half-full bottle.

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