Beautiful Existence

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I always had my tongue between my teeth preferring spilt blood of spilt confessions. I would tell you about his eyes but he's heard everything I could ever have to say about them and I can never quite capture their depth in any explanation anyway. I would tell you about his lips but I'm afraid I’ll get something wrong because mine haven’t met his yet. What I will tell you is I am absolutely infatuated with the way he exists so beautifully with me. I've never believed in soul mates but it's as if I wasn't really living before I met him. He does not let me hold back. He does not let me shy away from how I feel about him. I can't sleep before he does because I need to have him say he loves me. I fell in love with the way time seems to exist everywhere but between us, as if the clocks hold their breath when we’re together..

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