Poem 4

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Remember the days

When the world was bathed in light

When laughter was daily and tears were rare

Mommy could hold you on her lap

And kiss away your pain

                                    But we’re bigger now

                                    Mommy can’t kiss away this pain

                                    Especially since you hide it so well

                                    Now all we see are shadows

                                    A twisted world with broken people

But why can’t we see joy

Because it’s there, always there

The world isn’t as horrible as we make it out to be

Just think of the silver lining

If you search, you can find it

                                    Our rose coloured lenses are broken, sorry to disappoint

                                    We see the dying world

                                    We see pain for what it is

                                    Society is killing

                                    And we are powerless to stop it

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