Chapter. 4

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Friendly faces everywhere i guess?
Also big credit to

Like thats where i got like everything. 😅

So me, Larry, and Sal all set out on our adventure of meeting new tenets...well they alreadly know them. Im the only one in this building who doesn't know people. Only who needs new people when I have Larry.

Since we already where on the 4th floor we decided to start here. Room 402 was Sals, so we went to room 401. Sal went up and knocked on the door. You could hear deep music coming from the other side.

"Who is it," you hered a unenthusiastic male voice say from the other side.

"Sal, Larry, we brought the new girl to say hi," Sal responded. The door preceded to be opend.

"Come in," we listen and went into what was a sparcly decorated apartment. It was nearly empty except for a few items and a bed.

"Hey names Robert, your the new kid huh well hope you enjoy this place," said robert. Robert was a young male, aged around 25. He had dark skin and red hair in the style of a Mohawk. He had eyebrow piercings and silver earrings. He also wore a ripped jacket, a studded belt and plaid pants. So what appeared to be a natural rebel.

I introduced my self, and for the next few minutes we all talked, and got along. I learned he had a wildly successful business to his name that he started with money he received after his father passed away. Only he wanted to save it, and instead live a simple life here. That explains the apartment. He was really down to Earth, and seemed cool. After a few more exchanges we decided to move to the next potential friends.

"So now we can head down to the 3rd floor," Larry said walking back towards the elevator, Sal following behind.

"wait what about rooms 403 and 404," i asked pointing back in there direction.

There was a long pause as if they where debating telling me somthing when Sal finally speaks up," No one lives there any more." Then he kept walking. Guess thats my answer, but I feel like they arnt telling me everything.

Once we reacher the elevator Larry pressed the 3rd floor button. It was awkwardly silent as we where all squished into the small area. Finally though the elevator bell dinged, and the doors opend.

Larry led the way down to room 301. Thats where I met CJ, Azaria, and Sierra. The college students. They all seemed really cool, they told stories about parties they had. Then we moved to room 302. A strange looking man answered in his underwear. He said his name was David, and seemed really nice. David is a very lanky man who has a dark skin tone, balding head, and scared black eyes. He's a strange man, who lives with the dummy called "Sara", he was a drug addict in the past. He also speaks in a Pittsburgh accent. I kinda feel sorry for him he seems like his brain is scattered.

Once we where done talking to David we went to room 303. Thats where I met chug...I wonder if thats his real name. He is one of Larry's and Sals friends apperently. Chug was a rather portly individual with a diminutive stature maybe 5'1. He had messy green hair that was usually covered with a gray baseball cap and black eyes. He wore a red long-sleeved shirt, blue pants, and gray sneakers. He seemed rather cool, and friendly. He said how he's glad to see a new kid move in, and hopes we can be friends. I told him i do to.

Only once we got out Larry turned to me and said, "Chug is very do i say this...gluttons, and greedy. He refuses to return possessions that are not his unless you bribe him. Don't get me wrong, he does have a caring side. Hes a good kid. " I just nodded back. As we went down to the 2nd floor.

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